Chapter 55

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Hitoshi stretched as he woke up, staring at the ceiling of his new room. Well, new was a bit of a stretch. It was the same as the room he'd occupied in the Gen Ed dorm, he'd even decorated it the same way, blackout curtains, homemade Eraserhead merch and all. The big difference was that it was in the 1-A Hero Course dorms. Sitting up, he gingerly touching the thick eyebags that hung under his eyes, wondering if he'd ever get enough sleep for them to go away, sliding his feet out of the comfortable bed and looking around the room.

It was strange, he'd technically been a part of the Hero Course since the start of the holiday, though that was mostly just so he could go on the training camp, but now it felt more real. An excited shiver ran up his spine, making him want to pump his arms in victory, though he held himself back. It could still go wrong. Somehow.

He stood, grabbing the offered towel from the small blonde girl sitting in his desk chair and heading towards the bathroom.

He showered quickly, drying off his mass of light purple hair, the water clinging to it as it fought to stay upright. It took him barely ten minutes to get ready, dressing in his gym clothes as he prepared to head downstairs, pausing as he opened the door. Slowly, he turned, looking over his shoulder at his desk chair, and the girl sitting in it, staring back at him.

"What the fuck?" he muttered as she blinked, her honey-coloured eyes seeming to focus in on him more sharply, her pupils expanding like a cat's.

"Ko-chan! It's time for breakfast!" the shout startled the boy as the girl hopped off his chair, slipping past him with practiced ease and running down the hallway.

Hitoshi blinked as the girl vanished down the stairs, slowly closing his door and locking it before heading down himself. The common room was chaotic, as usual, Hitoshi slipping past the other students as they talked loudly and grabbing himself an apple and a bowl of cereal. He turned to go find a quiet place to eat, freezing as he saw the same girl from before staring at him from around the corner.

"What the fuck?" he muttered again, jumping as a hand landed on his shoulder, glancing back at Izuku as the green-haired teen grinned at him.

"Morning, Hi-chan."

"Uh, yeah, morning," Hitoshi muttered, looking back at the empty corner, the girl gone. He hesitated for a moment, before turning back to Izuku, who was piling a bowl of rice high as he chatted happily to Mina, "Hey, Midoriya…"

"Yeah?" Izuku hummed as he turned back to Hitoshi, "What's up?"

"Is there a…actually, no, you know what, it's stupid," Hitoshi sighed, shaking his head, "Forget I said anything."

"No, tell me," Izuku said, a look of genuine concern passing over his face, "Is something wrong with your room? Are you homesick? Is Kacchan trying to bully you?"

"I AIN'T DONE JACK TO EYEBAGS!" Bakugo shouted from across the room, throwing one of his chopsticks, which Izuku easily evaded.

"No…it's just…nothing. It's nothing."

"If you're sure," Izuku shrugged, quickly heading over to the table and starting to eat.

"Hey, Aizawa-sensei," Izuku called as he walked over to the pair training in the corner of the TKL, "Sorry to interrupt, but do you know if All Might is going to help train us anytime soon?"

"Not as far as I'm aware," the man grumbled as he barked at Hitoshi to keep going, the purple-haired teen panting as he whipped the capture scarf through the air, "He's busy studying."

"Studying? For what?" Izuku asked.

"To get his teaching license," Aizawa replied, muttering under his breath, "Should have done it before he came to UA, but better late than never, I guess. Why?"

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