Chapter 37

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"Did you really fail?" Kaminari asked the boy, Shoto looking up at the words.


"Damn, that sucks man," the blond sighed.

"Makes sense," Mina hummed, sitting on the desk next to him, "I mean, you guys were up against All Might. There was almost no chance of you winning! Bakugo didn't even come out of his room at the dorms for dinner the night after the exam, he was so upset!"

"I wasn't fucking upset, fucking Racoon eyes!" the blond barked from his desk, gnashing his teeth as he glared at the other students, "I was just fucking tired!"

"You didn't even come out when Inko-san brought you food," Momo sighed, "It was quite worrying."

"I don't need any of your fucking sympathy! I would have fucking won if the damn fight had gone on!"

"No, we wouldn't," Shoto muttered, "We should have run from the start. We had no hope of beating All Might as we are now."


"I don't think he's interested, Kacchan," Izuku chimed in, grinning as the blond glared at him.

"I kind of get what you guys are feeling though," Sato sighed, "I was pretty useless in my exam, all I could do was break down the walls Shoji pointed me at, and even then I got captured right at the end."

"Yeah, I got taken out by Snipe as well," Kirishima sighed, "I don't know if I actually passed."

"Same, man," Sero sighed, "I got knocked out right at the start. I don't even know how Kaminari won against Midnight. He just stares at his hand whenever I ask him."

The door slammed open a moment later, Aizawa stalking in as he spoke.

"That's the bell, all of you get to your seats."

The class fell silent as he walked over to the teacher's podium, dropping a thick stack of sheets onto it as he looked out over the students.

"About your exams," He started, several of the class tensing, "Sadly, we had some failures. As such… You're all going to summer training camp."

"Yes!" the room shook with the excited shouts of the students as they jumped excitedly at their desks.

"Everyone cleared the written tests," Aizawa explained, "But in the practical's Bakugo and Todoroki, as well as Sero, Sato and Kirishima all failed. Though the last two were close."

"What does that mean?" Kirishima asked, "I mean, didn't we still pass?"

"Only because of your partners," Aizawa sighed, "And you two put your partners in a position where they had to fight alone, or near as. So even if they won, you still fail."

"Makes sense," Sato sighed, "Sorry Shoji."

"It's quite alright," the teen replied.

"Anyway," Aizawa said, "You five will be receiving supplemental lessons during the training camp, which, honestly, are going to be even worse than summer school."

Three of the five students sagged, looking at the teacher with pleading eyes as he began to hand out the camp manuals. The students quickly gathered around as they read through the contents, most balking at the contents.

"There's so much to bring!" Ochako gasped.

"Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit, there's so much for me to buy!" Denki added.

"Then," Toru hummed, "Since we have tomorrow off and exams are done, why don't we all go shopping as class A?"

"Yeah!" "That sounds awesome!" "Let's do it!"

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