Chapter 2

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Let's time-skip forwards to the current timeline, shall we?

"Oh, both Bakugo and Midoriya have applied to go to UA," the teacher said as the last of the forms fell to the ground.

"DEKU! THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" the blond roared as he shot up from his seat, the blast from his palms scorching his desk, "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

"I can do what I want, Kacchan," Izuku hummed, his voice dripping with sass as he leant back in his chair. He focused for a moment, reaching out with Uwasagi's telekinesis quirk, quickly knotting Bakugo's laces together before the blond could finish getting up, sending him crashing to the floor the moment he tried to jump at the other teen, the rest of the class stifling their laughs, "Oof, that looked like it hurt."


"Sorry, but insecure man-children aren't my type," Izuku shot back, grinning as the he heard several loud snorts.


"Aw," Izuku chuckled, holding up a hand as sparks danced across his palm, Bakugo's eyes going wide, "Are you actually calling your quirk weak, Kacchan? How humble of you!"

That broke the class, the rest of the students bursting into laughter as the blond struggled to his feet.

"Midoriya, Bakugo, enough!" their teacher shouted, "And no quirks in the classroom. Either of you!"

"Oi, Deku you fuck!"

Izuku ducked just as the hand grabbed for his neck, spinning on his heel, and slapping a hand against both of Bakugo's cronies' chests. He winced slightly as he set off a powerful blast, knocking them both back. He coughed as the fist slammed into his stomach, a small explosion making it hit even harder as he was thrown back.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" Bakugo growled as he stomped forwards, glaring at Izuku as the green-haired teen rolled over, "Using MY QUIRK like you fucking own it!"

"I'm not using your quirk, Kacchan," Izuku coughed, looking down at his stomach, inspecting the slight burns on his shirt, "I'm using mine to replicate yours. And I thought you were smart."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the blond grabbed Izuku's shoulder, yanking him up as the hand slapped against the side of his face, elongated fingers wrapping entirely around Bakugo's head.

"I wonder what would happen if I used your quirk right now?" Izuku growled as he staggered slightly on his feet, keeping a tight grip on Bakugo even as the fingers began to shrink, "Want to find out?"

"Let go of me, Deku," Bakugo growled back, a hint of fear flashing through his eyes before it was replaced by the usual anger, "You try anything, and I'll make sure you never even see UA's gates!"

"Sure," Izuku sighed, letting go of Bakugo's head, and swiftly kicking the other teen in the balls as hard as he could, a quiet squeak escaping the blonde's lips as his eyes went wide. Izuku gave him a sardonic grin as he spun on his heel and bolted out of the alleyway, "Later, bitch."

"HAHAHAHA! I can't believe you did that, Izuku!" the nasally voice said from the other side of his phone, Izuku laughing along as he walked down the flood drain.

"You should have seen his face Neito, it looked like a daruma! Red, round and one eye twitching!" Izuku said to his best friend, grinning as he spoke, "Hey, you free to train this weekend? I'm thinking a run after our sessions with Neitori-sensei."

"Of course, my friend!" Neito laughed, "I shall once again trounce you in our races!"

"Hey," Izuku chuckled, "Just because you're better at sprints than I am doesn't mean anything! We both know I have more stamina! I'd be able to save more people."

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