Chapter 39

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! And all that guff. Here's a new chapter posted at just after midnight here in SA because I can!

Shinso woke up as the bus stopped, blinking blearily as he watched the rest of the students file off the vehicle under Midoriya's command. He closed his eyes again, deciding it was better to get the extra sleep than stretch when he felt the familiar weight of fabric drop into his lap. Looking up, he stared at Aizawa, then looked down at his capture weapon, a creeping sense of dread filling his gut as he pulled the noise-cancelling headphones off.

"You'll need that," the older man grunted as he turned, his own headphones resting around his neck, "Oh, and leave your gift behind, it won't help you and may get broken. I'll make sure they get dropped off with the rest of the bags."

"Dropped off?" Hitoshi asked, hurriedly getting up from his seat and placing the headphones carefully down in it, able to hear the sounds of the other students outside, talking to someone, "What do you mean dropped off?"

"We have a straggler," Aizawa grunted as he hopped off the bus, Hitoshi following close behind as he pulled the capture weapon over his head, "You two ready?"

"Yep!" the blond heroine in her cat-themed costume said excitedly, making a cute pose, "We were just about to explain what's happening to your students!"

Hitoshi blinked, staring at two of the members of the Wild Wild Pussycats, one of his favourite Hero teams, mostly because they dressed like cats, Mandalay and Pixie-bob.

"Well," Mandalay said happily, "This whole area is our territory, your lodging is at the foot of that mountain over there."

"So then why'd we stop halfway?" Kirishima asked.

"Maybe we should get back on the bus," Sero muttered nervously, already turning around.

"It's now 9:30 am, I'm thinking around noon at the earliest," Mandalay said softly, a smile on her face as the class began bolting back towards the bus, Hitoshi only able to stare as he felt the ground beneath him shift, "Kitties who don't make it there by 12:30 don't get any lun-!"

"Geronimo!" the shout cut her off, the class all turning to see Izuku leaping over the edge of the cliff, before slapping his chest and beginning to slowly float down, "See you guys there!"

"DEKU YOU FUCK!" Bakugo screeched, launching himself over the edge after the other teen, "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FUCKING GOING?!"

The rest of the class gasped as the ground beneath them lurched, throwing them into the air as they all began to fall over the edge of the cliff.

"Sorry kids," Aizawa called as they fell, "But the training's already begun."

"This is our territory!" Mandalay shouted over the safety rail, "So feel free to use your quirks! You have three hours to reach the facility on foot! So, try to make your way through…The Beast's Forest!"

"Hey guys! Nice of you to drop in!" Izuku laughed as the rest of the class pulled themselves out of the dirt, "Anyway, Pixie-bob's using her quirk right now, so my guess is the big scary things aren't real animals!"

"Big scary things?" Mina asked as she shook some dirt out of her shirt, "What big scary things?"

"Oh, just that," Izuku said as he pointed at the massive dark brown monster that loomed over them from the tree line.

"IT'S A REAL BEAST!" the class screamed as Izuku spun on his heel and let loose a gout of flame, an icicle form Shoto spearing the monster a moment later as Iida and Bakugo slammed into it, demolishing the beast.

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