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We're celebrating Luan's 5th Birthday, Somi and Chaeng helped me prepare for it. We invited his classmates and friends, and Mom also came home from Thailand. While I was busy taking care of the guests I noticed that Luan was not here yet.

"Somi where is Luan, didn't I tell you to bring him down here?" I asked Somi.

"Ms. Manoban he doesn't want to go down" I frowned because of Somi's response, that boy must be grumbling again.

"I'll just take him upstairs you take care of the guests first" She nodded and I went upstairs, I slowly opened the door of his room where I found him sitting on the bed while holding his toy car.

"Luan, why don't you come downstairs, your friends are already waiting for you" I approached him and stroked his hair.

"Is Mommy Princess downstairs?" He asked me, he was always looking for his mommy and sometimes I didn't know what to say to him.

"Haven't we already talked about this, Luan?" He nodded but it was obvious in his eyes that he was sad. I couldn't explain the situation to him, because he might not understand it.

"Does Mommy Princess still love me, Dada?" He looked at me sadly.

"Of course, she loves you very much in fact she has a gift for you but she can't come now because she's busy with work" I lied again countless times, but no matter what I say to him over and over he would still look for Jennie.

"Let's go downstairs, Grandma is waiting for you" He did nothing but come with me, it's his birthday so I won't let him be sad.

When mom saw us, she immediately approached us and carried up Luan.

"Happy birthday, Luan!" Mom greeted him warmly.

"Thank you, Grandma" Luan answered, and mom took him to his friends.

I took my camera to take a picture of them. "Looks like you're having a hard time to convince your son," Chaeng said when she got close to me.

"He's looking for Jennie" I answered while adjusting my camera.

"Why don't you just tell him the truth?" I looked at Chaeng because of her question.

"It's not that easy Chaeng" I replied.

She shrugged and looked at Luan who was now talking to his friends, "It's also not easy that you always think of a reason every time he looks for Jennie" I couldn't answer, I wanted to tell Luan the situation, I'm just looking for the right time. "How long will you lie to him?" Chaeng asked, making me sigh.

"Let's not talk about that now Chaeng" I tried to smile, I left her and I approached my son to take a picture of him.

I just want him to be happy.

Somi came to the front and said, "Okay kids, it's time for us to sing for Luan, come here baby" Somi motioned for Luan to come over to her. When Luan got to the front the children started singing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you!" They clap their hands while singing, and when the song ended I lit the candle on his cake.

"Make a wish and then blow your candle" I told him, he closed his eyes for a moment before blowing out the candle and the guests applauded again.

I could see in his eyes that he was happy, maybe in a moment he had forgotten about Jennie.

Somi approached me and borrowed my camera, "I'll take a picture of you two" She said and took a picture of us, there was also a picture of Luan alone.

Moments later she handed my camera back. "Ms. Manoban, who took the previous pictures?" She asked.

"Me, why?" I asked in astonishment.

"It's blurred" She showed me the photo I took, and I was surprised to see that the picture was blurred.

"Maybe I just didn't adjust the camera properly" I replied to her.

Luan's birthday celebration lasted for a few hours, he already opened the presents to her. The young guests have returned home and only Somi, Chaeng, Mom and I are left with Luan.

"Where's Mommy Princess' gift, Dada?" Luan asked, and the three looked at me.

"It's in my room, just wait for a moment and I'll take it" I got up and went to the bedroom and took the gift I bought the other day.

When I got down I noticed Chaeng looking at me, I smiled at her as if I was saying just let me do this. I just want to see Luan happy and I don't want to get to the point where he forgets Jennie.

Luan opened the gift and his eyes widened when he saw its contents.

"Woahh, it's a helicopter!" He said cheerfully while clapping.

"Mommy knows what you want, Baby" I said while smiling.

"Tell Mommy thank you and I miss her" Luan replied while removing the helicopter from the box.

I ruffled his hair before standing up to help Chaeng and Somi clean up the place. While I was cleaning, mom approached me.

"How's Jennie? Have you talked to her?" She asked me, I stopped what I was doing and faced her.

"Not yet, Mom. The last news I heard from her was when she was released from the hospital. I don't even know where she is" I replied, it's been two months and until now I still haven't seen Jennie, I have no idea if they are still here in Korea. "Mom, do you think I'm still waiting for something?" I asked her sadly. She did not speak instead she just hugged me.


DAY 63

Hi Love,

How are you? Today is Luan's birthday as usual he's looking for you again he's sad because you didn't go to his birthday. Love I don't know what to tell him the next time he looks for you again, should I tell him the truth? Will he understand? Please Love, help me explain to him in a way that he will not be hurt. Every day we're wait for you to come back, you will come back, won't you? You love us so I believe you will come back, take care of yourself and hope you are happy today. I love you, Love. Please come back soon.

To be continued~

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