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"Good morning!" As Lisa walked into the kitchen, I gave her a warm welcome.

"What are you doing here?" She inquired in disbelief.

"I took Lucas to their house early, because I had nothing else to do, I came here" I responded without taking my smile off my face.

"How did you get in?" She still can't believe I'm standing right in front of her since she can't step on her feet.

"The door is open, maybe you forgot to close it last night when you came home" I noticed the bruise and wound on her face. "What happened there?" I approached her and placed my hand on her chin to get a better view of her cheek but she quickly averted her face.

"It's nothing, Seulgi and I just had a fight last night at the bar" She walked past me and went to the refrigerator to get some water.

"Did you drink last night? You said you were going home, didn't you?" I asked her as if I had the right to question what she was doing. She just stared at me and didn't say anything. "Why did you get into a fight in the first place?" I inquired once more.

"Because of Somi" I was surprised by her answer. Did she fight just because of her secretary? I had never seen Lisa fight even when we were still in school, she had so much patience when it came to such a thing. "I approached her when two men were molesting her and kicked one of them because I didn't like what he said" She explained to me.

"You don't have to explain to me, Lisa" I said, and she merely nodded, as if she realized what she'd said.

"What are you preparing to eat?" I instantly realized that I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Kimchi fried rice, bacon and egg, only" I answered.

"I don’t remember I've ever hired a cook" She stated it humorously, but the expression on her face still didn't change.

"Why, who do you want to cook your food?" It must be a joke but she looks serious because she didn't answer.

I prepared her a coffee while cooking kimchi fried rice, and I'm hoping it's still the coffee blend she like. I cautiously placed the coffee on the table but she didn't notice it right away because she was preoccupied with her phone. From time to time, I observe her reaction when she takes a sip of the coffee I brewed. Did she like it?

"You don’t have to look at me while drinking coffee" She said without glancing at me. I finished cooking and set the table with the plates. I put food on her plate before I sat across from her.

"Is it okay if I ask you out later, Lisa?" It took a lot of bravery for me to ask her this question.

"Are you going on a date with me?" She gave me a direct stare.

"Yes, I'm taking you out on a date if you think it's a date" I confidently answer.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Is it better to say yes or yes?" I wanted to laugh at what I said but I didn’t, I wanted to show her she had no other choice but to consent.

"Okay, I'll go with you" Her response made me smile.

I washed the plates after we finished eating. Lisa didn't want me to wash the dishes at first, but she didn't do anything since I told her I wouldn't go until I did.

I sat next to her on the couch while she was watching the movie, I didn't know what was going on because I hadn't begun watching it yet. When we were still together, we used to like watching movies when we weren't doing anything else, and I was always the one who chose what we'd watch till we both fell asleep on the couch.

"Why are you thinking so deeply?" I heard her say something.

I gave her a kind smile. "I just remembered something"


I didn't bring a car since I wanted to spend time with her, I asked her if we could take the bus together and she agreed. I took her to our favorite restaurant where we used to eat, I knew, Lisa hadn’t agreed to a year I was asking her but I wanted to start this way.

"A lot has changed in this restaurant" She starts the conversation while observing the whole place.

"But the taste of their food has not changed" I answered and ordered our food since I know what she wants, I just hope it's still her favorite.

"How is your return to Thailand?" I asked her as we ate.

"Everything is fine, Suzy and I talked to her parents and they understood our decision"

"What about your Mom?" I noticed the expression on her face changed when I asked about her mother.

She sighed before speaking. "Honestly, she's mad and doesn't want to agree with our decision because she doesn't want me to come back to you"

What I heard hurt me a little, but I understand her mother's reaction. I'm sure no parent would be happy to see their child in pain. But I like Lisa's honesty, even though she knew her mother's reaction would be hurtful to me, she still told me the truth.

We couldn't find a bus, so we decided to walk. Because the breeze was too cold, Lisa made me wear her jacket.

"Jen, how did you feel when I left?" She asked out of the blue.

"I was devastated and furious with myself since I knew it was my fault that you had left" I recall the day I was almost out of tears, I didn't go to work for a few days, and all I wanted to do was shut myself in my room.

"Why didn't you look for me? You know where I’m going, why don’t you follow" I stopped walking.

"I followed you to Thailand, Lisa, I went to the mansion and your company but the guards forced me away since you refused to talk with me" She frowned at my answer.

"I had no idea you were there because no one told me, and I had lost trust in you, yet I still love you. That is something I will not allow them to do to you" I had the impression that one of us was lying, but I was telling the truth. I visited Lisa in Thailand a few weeks after she departed, and only Kai was aware of it.

"Did you really think I cheated on you?" She looked at me and nodded slowly.

"Do you have any reason to change my mind" We continued walking. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"It was an arranged marriage that was decided by Dad and Kai's parents, when Dad told me about it of course I didn't agree and I told him about our relationship" Lisa's eyes widened at what I said. "But he said, he will prove to me that you don't love me" I tried to smile.

"I worked with Kai to stop the wedding but on one condition, I had to agree when he asked me to date. I wanted to reject Kai back then because I knew it was wrong but I could see no other way to stop the marriage. The day you saw us at the restaurant, I wanted to follow you but that must be the last because Kai promised me that he would tell Dad that he didn't want to marry me. That's why Dad got ahead of us and told you about the wedding. I chased you, Lisa, but when I got to our apartment you were gone" I couldn't help but cry. Whenever I remember everything that happened I can’t help but blame myself. "I should have just told you the truth, I shouldn't have been selfish, I thought I could fix it on my own. I thought I wouldn't hurt you that way but I still hurt you. I'm sorry, Lisa. I 'm sorry" I burst out crying, I felt my knees weaken but before I could sit down she hugged me tightly. I noticed that she was also crying because her shoulders were up and down.

"I'm sorry, Nini. I'm sorry if I didn't even listen to your explanation" I cried even more when I heard her call me by that name. I missed her. I missed my lili.

To be continued ~

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