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The night before Wendy went to the Hospital.

"Admit the truth to her, Wendy. Lisa is a good person. I'm sure she'll understand you." Wendy talks to Somi, they get to know each other because of Krystal. Somi is one of those with them to destroy Lisa and Jennie, but she backs away from the plan.

"Why didn't you stick with the plan?" Wendy asked, and Somi smiled before answering.

"Because I'm not like you when it comes to love, when I saw how Lisa's eyes shone as she looked at Jennie I knew in myself that she would never be able to look at me like that, I knew I will not be the reason for the gleam in her eyes, and it is enough for me to love her without her knowing." Somi took a deep breath, she knew everything she said was true and from the heart.

Wendy forced a smile, "I'm selfish, Lisa trusted me then this is what I gave back to her" She bowed her head, and Somi tapped her shoulder.

"It's not too late you still have a chance to apologize" Somi said.

Wendy looked at her, "Promise me that no matter what happens you won't leave Lisa's side, take care of her I'm sure she needs a shoulder to lean on, and if she's going to be weak because of the situation please be strong for her." Somi smiled and nodded, and raised her right hand.

"Promise I won't leave her" She replied.

Wendy leaves, and Somi is left alone remembering the night she met Lisa and how she fell in love with the woman.

Bangkok, Thailand [11:43p.m.]

"You shouldn't cry with that kind of person." As Somi was sitting on the side of the bridge a tall woman approached her and handed her a handkerchief.

She accepted the handkerchief but she didn't say anything, "He's an asshole for making a girl cry" The woman sat down next to her.

"It's my fault too" Somi replied.

The woman chuckled, "It's your fault you didn't agree to have sex with him? That's odd." Somi looked at the woman in surprise. "I heard you guys arguing earlier at the bar." The girl added when she noticed the surprise on Somi's face.

"We've been together for almost three years, do you think I should give him what he wants?" Somi asked while looking away.

"If you're not ready don't give it, besides if he really loves you he can wait until you willingly give yourself to him" The woman replied.

Somi could not answer so the woman spoke again. " Just like a flower we can't force it to bloom if it's not time yet"

Somi admired the woman's words. "Why do you seem to know so much? Are you an expert here?" She joked and the woman laughed.

"No, but I once forced a situation that shouldn't be" The woman replied, and Somi's forehead furrowed.

She looked at the woman who now bowed her head. "Care to share?" She said.

"Let's just say that I put the person I love in a situation where I thought she was ready but she wasn't. I was just the only one who was ready for the two of us," Somi noticed the sadness in the woman's eyes. She realized that the woman was going through even harder than she was.

They talked for a few more minutes, Somi became relieved while talking to the woman and surprisingly she was able to smile for a while.

"It's getting late, I need to go home" The woman said goodbye to her.

She was about to speak when she saw a shooting star so she immediately closed her eyes like a child who believes in the magic of the star.

"When the time is right, hopefully there will be another chance."

Somi didn't know that as she closed her eyes the woman next to her is looking at her, and when it was over they stood up together.

Before the woman got into her car Somi asked her. "What's your name?"

The woman smiled and replied, "Lisa."

"Thank you so much for your time Lisa." Somi was no longer able to say her name as the heavy rain suddenly poured down and she immediately ran to her car.

I hope we meet again.


Lisa wiped away her tears, she decided to write a letter for Jennie and tell her how she feels. She was unable to approach Jennie because of Jisoo's anger, and no one wanted to listen to her explanation. Jisoo threw photos in front of her, where she and Chaeyoung were together in the Bar, studio and in front of an unfinished house.

A few moments later there was a knock in her room. "Lisa" Chaeyoung calls her.

"How's Wendy?" She asked.

"Her family has arrived, they were looking for you earlier." Chaeyoung approached her friend and stroked Lisa's back. "You should rest Lisa, Jennie will definitely not be happy when she sees you like that"

Lisa looked at her, "How about you? Have you talked to your wife?" Chaeyoung shook her head.

"She doesn't want to hear my explanation" She replied sadly.

"I'm sorry, Chaeng" Lisa said and Chaeyoung hugged her.

"You shouldn't be sorry, Lis. It's not your fault"

Despite Chaeyoung's sympathy for her friend, she thinks about life without her wife, but she can't help but get angry because she feels that the years they've been together isn't enough for Jisoo to trust her.


DAY 01

Hi Love,

Please wake up, I miss you so much. I'm sorry I can't approach you or even look at you from a distance, but even so I want you to know that I'm just here waiting for you, and I'll explain everything to you. Wake up right away my love, I can't sleep tonight because you're not by my side, I didn't know it was so hard to feel without you. Our son is looking for you, Love, but don't worry because I will take care of him while you are gone, but promise me you will come back to us. I will wait for you my love. I love you.

To be continued~

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