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I am on the veranda of our room now while sipping tea. Jisoo unnie was released from the hospital but Dad did not allow her to go home to their house. It would be better if we were here in the Mansion for a while, we would be safer here because there are many body guards here. Until now, it hasn't been caught who did that to Jisoo unnie but I've talked to her and she told me everything. I can't believe Krystal can do that. We didn't do anything bad to her. Dad sent her to the asylum because she was sick but she didn't want to accept that.

I remember the day she almost cursed us especially Dad whom she blamed for the death of her mother. We wanted to help but her anger had consumed her. She didn't even think she had a child here, how can we introduce her to Lucas if she doesn't want to change. We do not want to deprive the child of knowing his real mother.

I felt someone approach me and hug me from behind. "Penny for your thoughts?" Lisa asked me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I was just thinking about Krystal." I answer her.

"You shouldn't think about that too much, the important thing now is that you and Jisoo unnie are safe" She said.

I sighed and looked at the moon. "When will it all end?"

"Jennie" Lisa called me so I faced her. "I love you" She said out of the blue which made me smile.

I cupped her face and look straight in her eyes. "I love you too" I said quietly enough for her to hear. Her lips were only a few inches from mine as she fixed her gaze on mine.

"Words will never be able to express how much I love you, Jennie Kim" she said honestly. Through her eyes, I can see her love for me. We were still only a few inches apart on our lips. Her hands are on my waist, and I've put mine around her neck. Our forehead were in contact.
I didn't know how to express how I felt at the time. I just know one thing. I want her. I want to give her my entire self. That is perfectly okay. I'm just curious if she feels the same way.

Her voice was different from the way she used to call me, "Jennie." There was something unique about it. Her eyes were burning, and I knew she was feeling the same way at the time.
"Kiss me," I whispered, closing my eyes and waiting for her to take my lips. At first, it was light. Our lips simply brush against each other. Her gentle lips brush against mine. Then she moved her tongue slowly, and I did the same. Our kiss became more passionate after that. I sensed her tongue screaming to be let out, so I gave in, eliciting a quiet sigh from me. Her kisses are like a drug to me.
Her hands began to caress my waist softly. My knees felt weak as a result of her touch. Her hands began to circle my back, gradually moving down till they rested against my bum. She grabbed my bum and carried me. As our kisses became more intense, I wrapped my legs around her waist.

"Lisa," I moaned as she trailed kisses across my jaw. As her hands began to wander around my back, I could feel her tongue licking it. She took our heavy kisses and moved us slowly towards the bedroom. She placed me gently on the bed and then stepped away from my kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about how nice it felt to be touched by her.
I noticed she was staring at me intently. "I love you, Jennie," she said, causing my heart to race even faster than it already was. She leaned in closer and kissed me once more. This time, I took advantage of the opportunity to remove her shirt. When I saw her toned abs, I felt my body heat up.

I swallowed as I stared at her abs. I noticed her grin, and what she did next made the aching heat in my stomach rise. She took off her bra and exposed her entire front to me. She then took my right hand in hers and sketched the outline of her body with it. Between her chest and her abs, all the way down to the hem of her jeans. I took a deep breath as the prospect of touching her got me even more wet.

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