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The brunette ran out of their house, she immediately got into her car and quickly drove it. Her tears began to flow, her hands shaking. She still couldn't quite comprehend what her interlocutor had said lately. Everything she has worked for, the things she keeps and especially the person she loves cannot be destroyed.

Suddenly the heavy rain poured down as if it was sympathizing with her feelings. Gradually her car slowed down until it stopped. She slammed her steering wheel, forcing the vehicle to restart. Her tears kept falling. She quickly got out of the car, she walked and ran to get to her destination, she had no other thought but to go home.

People were already looking at her but she didn't care, when she got to the building where she lived, the brunette quickly entered. She pressed the elevator buttons a few times but it took so long to open, she had no choice but to use the stairs and ran as if she didn't feel tired until she reached the floor where their unit was. The brunette was now in front of the door and she quickly opened it.

Darkness greeted her, the whole room was silent, she turned on the light and went inside, her breathing was heavier now than before. She got used to coming home with this room bright and airy. Even the person who always greet her when she entered is not here. She looked around, the room was clean but the silence in it was deafening.

The brunette glanced at the shoe rack beside the door. Only a pair of shoes were there.

"Love?" She walked into a room, she was about to cry again. She slowly opened each cabinet door till she passed out, her knees collapsing. She could no longer move and sobbed uncontrollably. A few minutes later, the brunette took her phone out of her pocket and dialed the number of the person she needed to be with at those times.

"Unnie" When she spoke, she sobbed even louder. "She left. She left me, unnie"

The brunette woke up crying again. She's used to it, she's been like this for two years.


"Why did you call Jennie last night?" Irene enquired of Seulgi. They're now in the kitchen, where she's preparing breakfast.

Seulgi shook her head. "I didn't make a phone call to her" The woman's response. She took cold water from the refrigerator. "Manoban was completely insane, she kept insisting that Jennie was her wife" She added.

Irene fixed her gaze on Seulgi. "Are you serious?" She inquired.

"Do I appear like I'm joking, baby?" She made a gesture toward herself. "Manoban was only deceiving herself"

Irene set the table with the plates. "What exactly do you mean by that?" Her brows is furrowed.

"She obviously still has feelings for Jennie" Seulgi replied.

"You seems too confident for what you're saying" Irene took a seat beside Seulgi. "Where is the love if she abandoned Jen?" Irene asked sarcastically.

"She has a reason"

Irene glared at Seulgi. "Do you know anything?"

Seulgi's eyes widened. "Of course nothing!" She answered quickly.

Irene shook her head. "I don't know if Lisa is really your friend, she didn't even tell you?" She inquired.

"Jennie is the same with you, we both just don't know what happened" Seulgi replied.

Irene was silent, on the other hand she agreed with what Seulgi said. Perhaps the two simply chose to keep their problems to themselves then.

Seulgi didn't spoke again. She really don't know because her friend didn't tell her what really happened.

"Seul, can you book me a flight to Thailand?" Lisa asked her friend. They are at the bar now because Lisa suddenly called Seulgi.

"Huh? Why is that so sudden?" Seulgi asked.

"I just want to visit my family" Lisa replied.

Seulgi nodded. "Ok, I'll book a flight for you and Jen"

"No, just for me."

Seulgi frowned. "You're not going to include Jen?" She laughed. "Are you sure you can be away from your girlfriend for a few days, it might be the reason for your death Manoban" Seulgi said it jokingly but Lisa's expression didn't change so she was even more surprised.

"Do you have a problem?" Seulgi asked her friend.

Lisa shook her head. "She's too busy at work, I'm not sure if she can be with me"

Seulgi just shrugged. After that conversation and when she was able to book a flight, Lisa never showed up or talked to them again and even Jennie who was close to them was not able to ask.

"I feel sorry for Jen" Seulgi came back to reality when Irene spoke.

"Why?" Seulgi asked.

"She was forcing herself too much to be happy" Irene replied. It could be seen in her eyes that she was sad.

Irene and Seulgi can't understand why they are affected by what happened, if they are the ones to be asked, they don't want to see Lisa marry someone else but they can't do anything, they can't hold their friend's decision.

At first, Irene was angry with Lisa for what she did to Jennie but she had no right to be angry because she didn't know what really happened.

"Let's not talk about them" Seulgi said to Irene.

When they finished eating, Seulgi stood up and took the plates and put it in the sink while Irene entered the room.

Seulgi was washing dishes when the doorbell rang, she did not expect any visitors today.

"Baby do you have a guest?" She shouted for Irene to hear her but her girlfriend didn't answer so she wiped her hand to open the door.

"Who is that?" She asked the person outside, she opened the door and was shocked to see who was the person standing in front of their unit.

"Who's there?" Irene asked from behind her and their reaction was almost the same when she also saw who their guest was.

"Ms. Bae Suzy..."

- There are many stories we wish we had never heard.

To be continued~

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