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Two days have passed since Suzy and I talked, we decided to return to Thailand next week to inform our families that the marriage will not continue, but it doesn't mean I agree with what she wants to give Jennie a chance. I agreed to her request since I knew I was already hurting her and didn't want to make things worse. I still can't tell my friends because I'm sure they'll ask a lot of questions, and I don't want to talk about it first because the decision we both made was hard for me as well. I adored her, but I'm not sure it's fair to marry her while I'm in love with someone else.

I haven't seen Jennie again since that night, she hasn't been in the office for two days.

I was leaving the company when someone called my name.

"Ms. Manoban!" I turned around and saw Jennie's secretary running towards me.

She gasped when she got close to me. "Why are you running Joy?" I asked her.

"I'm from your office and Somi said you've already left so I chased you, fortunately you're still here" She answered as her hands rested on her knees. 

"Why? Do you need anything?" I asked.

She handed me the white folder. "Can you give this to Ms. Kim? She need to sign it because I will give it to Mr. Son tomorrow"

"Why don't you just wait for her to come tomorrow?"

"She didn’t reply to my messages so I don’t know if she can come tomorrow" She replied.

"How about her father?" I asked again.

"Mr. Kim went out of town. I should be the one to give it to her but there is an emergency at our house, so please, Ms. Manoban, give it to her. I might not have a job tomorrow if I can't sign that with Ms. Kim" She pleaded with me.

It would be ethical if I was the one who caused her to lose her job. I took the folder she was handing to me. "Okay, I'll hand it over to her" She smiled widely.

"Thank you so much Ms. Manoban" She told me.

I smiled. "It's not free, you'll pay me for this" I said jokingly.

"I'll treat you coffee some other time, Ms. Manoban" She replied.

"No need, I'm just kidding" I said while smiling.

She said goodbye to me and she looks really in a hurry, I stared at the white folder I was holding but didn’t open it. I walked to the parking lot and hopped in my car and took a deep breath first before starting the engine.

Relax Lisa, you'll just give it to her.


I pressed the doorbell button three times but no one opened the door, I tried to knock but no one seemed to be there.

I stared at the small door lock device.

Is that still the pass code?

I tap six numbers and when I turned the door knob, it opened.

Maybe it's not forbidden to enter, it also became my house. In case someone catches me and accuses me of being a thief, I'll say this is my house. I don't want to be imprisoned yet.

I slowly entered, the light in the living room was turned off and I could hardly see anything so I turned on the light and my eyes widened because of the look of this unit.

Why is there so much clutter here?

There were chips and a few bottles of soju. I almost slipped when I stepped on the wine that had been spilled on the floor. It's like I want to yell at Jennie if she's here right now.

"Jen?" I call her name and walked to the bedroom door.

"Jennie" I knocked on the door but no one answered.

I grabbed the door knob and turned it.

"Jen?" I called her name again before finally going inside.

I noticed something moving in the bed so I slowly walked over there. Because of the light coming from the window I saw Jennie lying down and wrapped in a blanket. I heard her moan so I sat on the side of the bed to check on her. I touched her forehead.

She has a high fever.

"Jen, you have a high fever. Have you take medicine?" I asked her.

She shook her head. I got out of bed, turned on the light in her room, walked to the kitchen to heat the water, returned to the room to get a white towel, and then went back to the kitchen. To make it lukewarm, I combined hot and cold water. Then I poured the water into the stainless steel washing basin and placed the white towel inside before carrying it to her bedroom. I started by placing the washing bowl on the bedside table and get clothes in her cabinet.

I removed the blanket wrapped around Jennie and wiped her face, and arms with a white towel. I placed the washing dish away when I was done.

Change your clothes first. I helped her sit up and handed her the dress I had taken from the cabinet.

I went out of the room to get medicine and so that she could get dressed.

I looked in the medicine cabinet but she didn’t have a stock of medicine even one.

I entered the room again and saw her lying down.

"I'll go out first to buy medicine, I'll be right back" I didn't wait for her to answer and left the room.


I also bought fruits and food that could be prepared, and I did some research on what to feed a sick person, and it turns out that chicken soup is the best thing to eat when you're sick.

When I finished cooking, I went to the bedroom with the medicine, water, chicken soup, and fruits.

As far as I know, I'm a photographer, not a doctor.

"Take your medicine after you've eaten" I sat down next to her after setting the tray on the table. I peeled the orange and handed it to her as she was eating.

I felt someone staring at me so I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked her.

She smiled. "I hope I’m not dreaming"

Instead of responding, I handed her the medicine and a glass of water.

"Drink that, then rest again so that you will get well right away" I said.

After she drank I stood up to put the glass and bowl she used in the kitchen but before I could leave the room, she called me again.

"Lisa" I turned around. "Thank you" I didn't replied and left the room.

I looked around the unit.

Where do I start cleaning?

I sat on the couch to rest after cleaning up. I check the time and it is already 8:00 p.m. I switched on the television and sought for something to watch for a few minutes before falling asleep.


It was 11:00 p.m. when I awoke, so I went to check on Jennie in her room. I approached her and gently touched her forehead. Although her fever had gone down, I am still unable to leave her alone.

I was going to go out when I heard her talk.

"Please don't leave me, Lisa. Lisa, please"

I walked closer to her, sat next to her, and stroked her hair.

She's crying.

"I'm here, and I won't leave you" I whispered.

- The moon will never leave the star again.

To be continued ~

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