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"Jennie, are Luan's clothes ready?" Mom asked as she entered our room.

"Yes mom, Lisa and Luan are very excited, they prepared their clothes last night" I replied smiling at her.

"How about you?" She inquired once more.

"I'll just get ready, Mom. I took a bath with Luan first" I replied to her, until now I still can't believe that we're both okay. The day Lisa left to pick up Luan we talked. She came in unexpectedly when I was cooking in the kitchen; at first, I was worried that she would fight me, but I was taken aback when she smiled at me. It was there that she asked about what had happened over the past two years, and I properly explained everything to her. I also mentioned to her that Lisa and I were going to adopt, and about the wedding I think Lisa is the one should tell her that thing.

We apologized to each other and I’m glad we both understood each other, her as a mother and me as a child. She didn't deny that she really like Suzy for Lisa because Suzy was very kind and caring, but she said she could see where Lisa was really happy and she wanted to support Lisa in her happiness.

"Come down after that, so we can leave," she added as she closed the door. We are going to a beach here in Thailand and will stay there for the rest of our trip. Mom would have preferred to return to Korea with us, but she still has business to attend to.

I peeked out the window and saw Lisa and Luan playing in the garden, with their laughter and giggles I could tell they were really close to each other. I always see Lisa smiling but her smile is different since Luan came to us, that smile as if she has nothing else to ask for, because she's satisfied with what she has now.

"Dada are we still far from the beach?" Luan asked Lisa while lying on her lap. He's getting used to call Lisa as Dada because that's what Lisa taught him.

"Yes baby we are still far away, so go to sleep first" Lisa answered, and stroked Luan's hair.

"I want to sleep next to Mommy Princess," he said as he stood up and pushed himself between the two of us and Lisa, who moved slightly to make space for Luan.

Luan remained silent for a few minutes longer, and when I looked at him, he was fast asleep. I went to Lisa and saw that she had fallen asleep as well; I smiled and simply shook my head since they are both so adorable. While mom was snoozing in the shotgun seat.

I had noticed someone staring at me, and when I looked in the rearview mirror, I spotted Wendy staring back at me as well. She gave me a friendly smile and looked as if she wanted to say something, but instead she returned her focus to driving.

I looked out the window, and I realized we were no longer in the city since all I could see were trees.

"Where do you plan to marry?" I heard Wendy asked. I'm not surprised that she knows. She's Lisa's friend, so Lisa must have told her about it or maybe she was the first to know before I did.

"We haven't talked yet" I answered her shortly, and saw that she nodded slowly.

"Jisoo, how is she doing?" I was a little surprised by her question. How did she know? Did Lisa tell her too? She seemed to notice my reaction, so she spoke again. "Lisa mentioned it to me when you came home" She added.

"She's fine, but Dad hasn't yet given her permission to come to work," I replied. I'm not comfortable with Wendy, so I'm not going to prolong our conversation; whatever she asks, I'll answer.

I didn't say anything because she never inquired about it again. I was drowsy a few moments later, so I rested my head against the window.

"You use this." Wendy handed me the neck pillow, "Sleep first, we're still a long way away," she advised, and I accepted the neck pillow she offered.

"Thank you," I said as I leaned back to sleep.


"Love we're here" I felt someone tapped my cheek and when I opened my eyes I saw Lisa smiling at me. I turned around, there was no one in the car but the two of us, and it looked like they had already unloaded our luggage, I slept too soundly so as not to feel that we had reached the beach.

I closed my eyes again, I have no intention of going bacl to sleep, but I feel like I want to close my eyes for at least five minutes. I felt Lisa kiss me on the lips for a moment. "Let's go, our son is waiting for us" She told me.

"Give me five minutes more, Love" I answered in a hoarse voice.

"Who gave you that neck pillow?" She asked when she noticed the neck pillow I was using.

"Wendy" I answered her and I noticed she barely laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I inquired, perplexed.

"Because it's Wendy's favorite and she doesn't let anyone use it, I was just surprised she lent it to you" Lisa explained and pulled my hand, "Come on, I'm hungry," she added as we exited the car. I didn't take the neck pillow with me.

I don't think that means anything.

Lisa, and I walked to our cottage while holding hands and she played with my finger with her thumb, "Does Wendy already have a girlfriend?" I asked out of nowhere.

Lisa shook her head, "Nothing, but she mentioned something to me that she used to like a woman" She replied. I don’t know why I suddenly became interested in Wendy, maybe because I noticed something strange about her? I can't explain it properly but I often caught her staring at me.

"Does Wendy want me for you?" I asked again noticing Lisa's forehead furrowed.

"Of course, why did you ask that?" she inquired, surprised.

I shook my head, I'm not sure if I should tell her what I'd noticed, but I believe Wendy didn't want to see Lisa and me together. Do I notice anything else in her eyes when we look at each other, even though she often smiles at me? Or am I just being paranoid? Maybe I just don't know her well enough to think this way.

"Mommy princess!" Luan shouted when he saw us and ran closer to us. "I'm excited to swim, Dada says she'll teach me how to swim" Luan said cheerfully and held our hand causing us to let go.

"Don't forget to put sunblock on Luan" I reminded Lisa.

"Yes ma'am" She answered quickly and I laughed.

"Are our things already in the room?" I asked her and she nodded. "What's our room number? I'll go to comfort room first" I added.

"Room 346," she replied, I nodded and left them first in the cottage preparing our food.

As I walked into our room I heard a familiar voice.

"We're on the beach right now, just call later it might someone can hear me." Wendy said and it looks like she turned off the call because she never spoke again.

I hid by the side of the wall before she could notice me. I don't know why I hid, but I don't want her to know I overheard the last thing she said to the person she was speaking with. When she passed, I followed her with my gaze. Who is she talking to, and why does she seem to be hiding something?

To be continued~

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