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I was furious when I found out what had happened to Jennie, "Why did you do that? That wasn't part of our plan, Krystal!"

She smiled and responded, "Why not? She deserves it." My friend Krystal, who I used to know, is no longer with me. She'd been swallowed up by her rage.

"Krystal, she's your sister!" I exclaimed, she looked at me badly.

"Don't ever say that, Wendy, I don't have a sister!" she yelled fiercely, and I shook my head.

"Why don't you just accept everything that has happened in the past? Please, put an end to this," I pleaded.

"You want me to accept my mother's death because of their worthless father? How can you say that, Wendy?

"It's not their fault, Krystal. Your mother died because she was sick." I said, and I noticed her tears dripping, maybe she remembered her mother's death again.

"If only that Mr. Kim had helped us, my mother wouldn't have died." Her eyes were sharp when she said that. I let out a sigh.

"You shouldn't blame other people for what happened, especially your siblings they have nothing to do with it" I explained, but she didn't seem to be listening.

"They ruined my life, especially Jennie!" She shouted.

"It's not Jennie's fault if Kai doesn't love you! Why can't you understand that?!" I asked angrily.

She chuckled. "It's also not Lisa's fault that Jennie doesn't love you." My jaw tightened because of what she said. "Let's not be innocent here Wendy, isn't it your fault why they ended up breaking up then?" I heard her weak laugh. "You know Jennie pushed Kai when he kissed her, but why did you still send Lisa the picture of them kissing?" She added.

"Stop it." I said, firmly.

"Why? It's true what I'm saying isn't it? You come with Lisa to Thailand so you can make sure they don't get back together." She walked closer to me. "Jennie went to Thailand, why didn't you tell Lisa?" She went behind me and tapped my shoulder. "You also know Jennie is pregnant." I can't speak, I can't deny what she's saying because it's all true, but I'm sorry for that. "We're just the same here, Wendy, we do everything for love" she whispered.

"I don't kill people" I replied, I felt her stop for a moment.

"But you're a traitor." She laughed, "How would Lisa feel when she found out that the person she trusted had ruined the relationship she had before?" She removed her grip on my shoulder, "We're just the same" she repeated, before walking away.

I walked out of the condo, thinking about everything Krystal had said. Whatever remorse I make I can't get it all back, but I know I can still do something to make it right.

I went to the hospital and found Lisa begging Jisoo to see Jennie, but Jisoo didn't seem to hear anything. Chaeyoung and their two friends Seulgi and Irene are also here.

"Where can we see Krystal?" I heard Irene ask Jisoo.

"I know where she is" I said, and they all looked at me.

"Wendy" Lisa approached me and I couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

"I'm sorry, Lisa" I knelt in front of her.

"Do you know Krystal?" She asked, and I nodded. "You know everything she does?" I nodded again.

She grabbed my shirt. "How did you do this to me, Wendy?" She asked angrily, I did not answer so she pushed me, "I trusted you!"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, Lisa, I didn't mean to" I murmured.

"You don't mean to? Do you know how Jennie's right now? She's unconscious, and we don't know when she'll wake up!" She shouted.

I honestly don't really know why it came to this. This isn't what Krystal and I talked about, I took all the pictures I sent to Jisoo, but we also didn't know why Lisa and Chaeyoung were always together we just used the situation to destroy them. I don't know how Krystal had the opportunity to do this.

"Take me to her." Lisa said, and she looked at Chaeyoung. "Call the police" Chaeyoung nodded.

"I'll come with you" I heard Jisoo say, but Seulgi stopped her.

"No, Jennie needs you here"

Jisoo didn't do anything, she and Irene were left in the hospital while Seulgi came with us.


We were almost at the same time as the cops who arrived at the building where Krystal was.

"Are you sure she's here?" Lisa asked me, I nodded.

We didn't use an elevator, every floor had police on guard to make sure Krystal couldn't escape. When we got to the front door I stopped them, I had a duplicate key. I slowly opened the door, the light was off when I entered so I opened it.

"Why are you taking so long, I've been waiting for you for a while" Krystal came out of the room holding a gun, but I was surprised because she wasn't alone.

"Luan!" Lisa was about to approach her son but Krystal stopped her.

"Oops, if you still want to see your child alive don't come near us" Krystal said smiling, so Lisa stepped back.

Her fist was clenched and her eyes glazed over at Krystal.

"Dada" Luan called to Lisa as tears formed in his eyes.

"Don't cry, baby. Dada is here" Lisa said, while holding back her tears.

Krystal laughed, "Since we have a kid with us, why don't we play first?" She's really crazy. She slides another gun to the floor, "Pick it up Wendy" she commands me, I look at her, "You'll pick it up or I'll shoot this kid?" She pointed the gun at Luan's head so I immediately picked up the gun on the floor. "Now, shoot Lisa" I frowned at her. "This is your chance, Wendy, kill Lisa so you don't have a rival to Jennie" I shook my head, Lisa looked at me with mixed surprise. "Come on, Wendy I'm doing this for you."

"Krystal, please stop this." I beg her. "Let go of Luan" She shook her head.

"Shoot Lisa, I'll let go this kid" She said, and I looked at Lisa.

"Do it, Wendy" She said softly, and my tears dripping.

I'm sorry, Lisa.

I slowly lifted the gun and pointed it at her. My tears kept dripping.

"Do it!" She shouted, I was about to fire the gun when a policeman entered the window, which surprised us all, including Krystal, so she released Luan. Seulgi pulled Luan away, but Krystal's so quick she fired the gun in our direction.

"Lisa!" I hugged her.

I can't feel my body anymore. "Wendy!" She shouted, and I smiled at her.

"Take care of Jennie," I said before finally closing my eyes.

I'm sorry.

To be continued~

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