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her eyes opened, squinting due to the brightness of the room.

her pupils scanned the room. it's not a hospital, that's for sure.

but her eyes stopped at the guy sleeping on the chair beside her. sim jaeyun.

the guy woke up from his sleep after she accidentally moved an arm.

" oh? you're awake! i'll go tell my mom. "

her body feels weak. she has no energy to even sit down. there are so many bandages wrapped around her body, it's terrifying.

just then the door reopened, revealing a grown woman and jake.

" i'm glad you've awoken, sweetie. how are you feeling? " the woman asks, taking a step closer to her.

she stayed quiet.

" not much of a talker? " the woman asks again, glancing at jake, to which he nodded softly. " well, i hope you're feeling at least a tad bit better. i'll go grab something for you to have. "

just when she leaves, her attention drives back to him.

he has a small bandage on his cheek. it must've been from the fight earlier.

" you shouldn't move around too much. mom said you have a very deep bruise on the abdomen area. " he said, taking a seat beside her again. " so this was the falling from the stairs? "

her head lay low, ashamed.

" you shouldn't feel pressured to tell stuff about something like this. i could've helped you sooner. "

" i'm sorry... " she replied quietly.

he was taken aback. " i– i'm not mad at you. don't get me wrong. i was just telling– sorry. "

pauses of silence suppress the room, making the two just figure out things on their own. it wasn't awkward, but rather of a chilling vibe.

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