Chapter 7. The Hunter (Ryo)

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   (Present time)

   The man is startled. I am not what he has imagined. His amazement is unmistakable. I am used to see admiration in people's eyes, but it is different this time. I had to work hard to get his. I needed to gain this tiny, but so important drop of trust, without which he would not even look at me. I am aware how easy I can lose it. My whole being is alert. I am walking on egg shells. Every word is selected carefully and spoken at the precise moment. 

   The hunter in me is wide awake. The easy prey stopped exciting him long time ago. This will be a slow and careful taming, just the way I like it, as if luring a skittish, wild deer to take food from my hand. 

    'Private Service' did not disappoint as usual. I am here for the thrill and they exceeded their best performance. I urge them to challenge me, to make it more difficult every time. I need pure innocence to play my game, someone who will resist in the beginning. The harder the victory, the more valuable the prize. It is a trophy I crave, but do not want to keep. I meet those rich, hesitant men who hide their desires from the world. I enjoy bringing them under control, making them eager to do anything I would demand and leave them satisfied and ready to go home at the end. No real names are exchanged, no phone numbers, no feelings, just a wild night to remember and no one knocking at my door when it is over. I am just like them after all. I do not need complications.

   My assistant said I would meet Angel and an angel was exactly who came in through the door. He wasn't going to stay. The man entered the room and was ready to run out the same second. Fear. I know fear. We are old friends. I can recognize it with a single glance. The way his palms were sweating, the trembling lips, the labored berthing, everything showed his uneasiness. Any object, one wrong move, even a single word would have made him slip off the noose. I smile, gazing at his stunned face. I have him on the hook now. There is no escape.

   "Do you remember the rule?" I ask. "The word you have to say, if you want this to go further?"

   His questioning expression shows me that he has forgotten about this. He only shakes his head and adjusts nervously the simple, black domino mask he is wearing. It can't hide the flawless skin, the full lips, the classic features of his heart-shaped face and those captivating hazel eyes, even more unique with the gold flecks, scattered in the irises. He is easily the best-looking man I have met. I remember a random article, saying only five percent of the world population has this eye color. Angel is special. It is easy to see.

   "You have nothing to worry about," I move an inch closer. "I won't touch you before you say the word. Everything is up to you. We can just have a soda and talk or watch a movie."

   "Yes, yes," he mumbles, "I am sorry for being so jumpy. I know the word. It is..."

   "Don't say it, Angel," I chuckle and move another inch closer. "You don't want to unleash an avalanche."

   "No!" his eyes widen. He takes a sharp breath. "Why would I... want... it?"

   "Because you find me attractive," I challenge him, "and the idea doesn't look so bad?"

   His cheeks are instantly covered in light shades of pink, barely visible in the twilight. He tries again to pull the domino lower, but it can cover nothing more than the area around his eyes.

   "Why don't you just take the mask off," I suggest carefully. I know that it is not about hiding his face. It is one of his many shields against the reality. The expensive suit, the perfect hairstyle, the spotless shoes, they are all the layers of his protection. I will never reach him before peeling them one by one. He is ready to lose the first one, just one, and I will let him retreat for a while, before coming for the next.

   "It is fair," he nods. "I asked you to do the same, so..."

   "Only if you want," I interrupt him, "whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Kimi shidai da yo, Angel."  (It's up to you, Angel.)

   "I want... I... I mean, I do not mind getting rid of it. It... it is uncomfortable... too tight... Gomeiwaku o kakete, sumimasendeshita. Kansha shite imasu!" (I am causing you troubles. I am sorry!)" He sighs deeply and starts fighting with the silk laces.

   "You don't have to apologize. I am happy to be here. You speak Japanese very well," I note.

   "Not better than you," he quietly laughs for the first time this evening. "You are from Japan, aren't you?"

   "Yes, Fujinomiya*, central Shizuoka," I confirm. "I miss Fuji. I haven't been there for years."

   He finally manages to remove the mask and smiles in relieve, "Why?"

   "Just looking for something," I shrug my shoulders, "which is not there for sure."

   "Where it is then?" he asks curiously.

   "I have no idea." 


Fujinomiya is a city, located in central Shizuoka prefecture, close to Mount Fuji

Photo 36403925 © Arturkurjan |


Hello everyone at the end of chapter 7.

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Now we have some more details of Ryo's motives to do this.

Do you think he is dangerous and this game he is playing will hurt David?

What might he be looking for out of Japan?

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