Chapter 42. A Simple Date (David)

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   (Present time)

   Everything happens so fast that I can't figure out exactly what is going on.

   The front bumper of a shiny, red, convertible Lexus is millimeters from my face at one second and the next I am squeezed in Ryo's arms, sprawled on my back on the sidewalk, with him barely catching his breath on top of me.

   "Are you crazy?" he groans, gazing at me in shock. "Didn't anyone teach you to look around before..."

   His question remains unfinished as Sarah rushes over like a tornado, screaming, "Get off him, asshole. Don't touch him." She grabs Ryo by the shoulder and pushes him so hard that he finds himself flat on his ass in the nearby patch of grass in utter surprise.

   A startled teenager, paler than a ghost, jumps out of the convertible and runs to us, stuttering, "Sir... I... I am so sorry, sir!... Are you ok?... I didn't see when you..."

   "Get lost, before I've called the police," Sarah hisses at him. "And learn to look at the traffic signs next time. You were driving at least twice as fast as the speed limit. I'm not dealing with you right now." 

   She kneels next to me and helps me sit up and lean my head on her shoulder, hugging me protectively. The boy is frozen with one foot on the pavement and the other on the lane, unable to make a decision what to do next. 

   "Miss, I can... uh... take your friend to the hospital," he doesn't give up. "Sir... Please... I am always so careful..."

   "Beat it!" Sarah yells, glaring daggers at him.

   The other drivers have started honking the horns because of the traffic jam, caused by the abandoned car in the middle of the road. A small crowd has gathered around us. The poor boy keeps fidgeting in his place. I am still stupefied. My body is shaking from the adrenalin rush and the palpable feeling of guilt and embarrassment.

   "I am fine. Don't worry. All is good," I barely mumble, raising a hand to show him it is ok to leave. That puts an end to his hesitation and he finally gets back in the car and pulls off slowly, staring at me the entire time. I am relived to see that the group of curious onlookers also begins to disperse.

   "Baby, I am so sorry," Sarah is stroking my hair, paying no attention to Ryo who has managed to regain his composure and is crouching beside me. "It's all my fault. I should have never let you agree to this. I'm such an idiot. How could I be so stupid to encourage you when I knew very well that..."

   "Miss, could you let me talk to my friend," Ryo interrupts her and firmly grips my forearms, trying to pull me up on my feet. "Come on, Otokomae. Get up. Let me see if you're alright and then I'll take you home."

   "I said, don't touch him," she shouts, shoving him off me. "You don't deserve to talk to him. Who do you think you are, making demands and forcing people out of their comfort zone? Do you even know Dav... ugh... Angel? Do you have any idea what you did to him? You have no right to pop out from nowhere and put his life in danger. Go away!"

   "No," Ryo firmly answers and wraps his arms around my waist, making me stand up. "He is coming with me. I'm here to meet this man and I'm not leaving without him. I can see you're his friend and worry about him, but you better not stand in my way."

   "Don't tell me what to do," Sarah screams, shoving him again. "You weren't there when I had to pick up the pieces and clear the mess you left behind you. I'm fed up with haughty bastards who think they're a big deal just because they look like fashion models."

   "Sarah, stop it," I try to stand between them. "It wasn't Ryo's fault. Just let us..."

   "I am not leaving you with him," she grumbles. "Don't try me... Ugh... I'm so mad..."

   "Signorina, deve calmarsi. (Miss, you need to calm down.)" A guy in an elegant, ivory and cream, striped suit and with sunglasses on approaches. "I don't like watching my best friend being pushed around. let the love birds be. Mi chiamo Luca. Andiamo a bere un caffè. (My name is Luca. Let's go for a coffee.) They are grown up men and can sort this out without us."

   "Ahh, here comes another one," Sarah laughs out spitefully. "The cocky smartarses always come in pairs."

   "Caspita! Non me l'aspettavo. Ma chi è questa pazza? (Oh wow! I didn't see this coming. Who is this crazy woman?) The guy exclaims, gesturing dramatically. "Lady, who are you and why are you making scenes? Ryo, what is going on?"

   "I am his therapist," Sarah points a finger at me. "And I prescribe that you both leave my friend alone and fuck off."

   "Capisco! (I see)," the Italian guy chuckles. "I'd recommend that you go through some therapy yourself. Those anger issues must be..."

   The vibrant slap across his face, sending the sunglasses flying three feet away, takes us all by surprise. He covers his throbbing cheek with his hand, gazing incredulously at the fuming girl.

   "Are you coming?" Sarah turns to me with stormy expression. 

   I have no idea what to do and how a simple date escalated into a car accident and a spectacular brawl. It seems best to go home. At least I tried to change something, but there certainly won't be another attempt. I feel so sick and nervous that I barely stand on my feet. It was a bad idea, the worst ever actually. It's time to stop this madness. 

   I stagger towards her, but Ryo steps in front of me and states, "Angel stays with me."

   "Come ti pare! (Whatever!) I'm not gonna wait here for a black eye. Ryo, you fend for yourself." Luca grabs his shattered sunglasses and strides away, muttering in Italian.

   "I'll be fine," I tell Sarah who is still waiting for my answer. She pouts and heads in the opposite direction after one final glance over her shoulder.

   The tension finally downs on me in full force. I throw myself to the nearby flower garden and puke up the unfortunate muffing in the closest bed of roses.



Hello everyone at the end of chapter 42.

Thank you for reading and supporting! ❤❤❤

It seems both David and Ryo did not expect this turn of events.

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Love: Anny

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