Chapter 69. The Last Rule (David)

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   [xxx - mature content warning

   This warning is not about sexual content, but to appeal to not practice this unless having taken all necessary precautions, thoroughly educating yourself about human body and learning from a very skilled and experienced partner or trustful source. The depicted events are fictional, despite being based on some actual experiences. If you have a PTSD, OSD or any other health issues, seek for qualified help. Kinbaku is not a therapy. Possible triggers - consensual wax play; intense confrontation; fight.

   Always put your safety first. ❤️]

   I have no idea how many seconds, or rather minutes, have passed. We are quiet. I grit my teeth and refuse to be the first to break the silence. Ryo wants to show me he has the power. Well, I am not willing to give him the pleasure of hearing me beg. I am filled with sheer stubbornness, although there is no explanation for the sudden change in mood. I love it when he is dominant and controlling. But there is something that urges me to rebel this time. I can tell he is trying to reach deeper than before, maybe even deeper than I dare to look into my own soul. I am not convinced I want to see what is hidden there.

   Hanging from the ceiling, wrapped in thin ropes like a cocoon, is not comfortable. I sense every fucking inch where they rub against my skin. It hurts, not excruciatingly so, not even too unpleasant, but still a constant, nagging pain. I am also concerned that I might be too heavy for this. I can't help but fear that the cords will break, or even worse, the rivets securing the metal rod will loosen, and I will thump on the floor like a damn fool.

   "You are mad," Ryo suddenly says, startling me out of my thoughts. His soft laughter is drifting closer to my ear as he slowly stands up. "Why?"

   "I am not mad," I grumble.

   "Yes, you are," he insists. "Uso-tsuki (Liar)! Did you already forget the rules? Be sincere. I've come to know you perfectly well. You're easy to read."

   "And I thought Japanese people are more temperate and polite," I retort. "You don't have any self-restraint, do you? It's rude to call someone a liar."

   "Hmm, I have something to tell you too, Ōkina Neko (Big Cat). It is unwise to challenge the one holding the end of the rope while you're suspended and with barely any clothes on." He grips my face, digging his fingers in my cheeks. I see unflinching firmness and an unfamiliar coldness in his eyes. "Especially if the said person takes so much pleasure in punishing you. You like to be punished, huh? You've been doing it to yourself for years, and when it is not enough any longer, you are searching for more by pissing off your rigger. Why do you keep blaming the angel in you? Your wings are bound, but not by me. What do you feel so guilty of?"

   "Fuck you!" I form with my lips, barely uttering any sound. My gaze is fixed on him, never breaking our intense eye contact. "There are no angels around. This house is no heaven. You are mistaken. Why do you think you are so comfortable here? You are in hell, that's why."

   I do not understand what exactly provoked me to become so agitated and uncivil, but one thing I know for sure. The bastard is good at rubbing salt in an open wound. He is also wrong to assume I will let it slide. The truth is, I would have already punched him, if I was not tied up. Arrogant arsehole, playing all nice and tender in order to gain my trust, and then refusing to release me. He has always been like that. Who acted as if he was in love with me, and then disappeared for two weeks? Mixed signals are all I have ever gotten from Ryo. He was a stupid kid who was following me everywhere around the ship like a puppy, gazing at me with admiration in his big, glossy eyes, but he still ran away every time I tried to approach him. When the little brat finally agreed to sneak out of his cabin, after his parents had fallen asleep, and met me at the pool, he only did it to ruin my entire life. Did I really deserve to be totally fucked up because of one clumsy attempt to steal an innocent kiss? No, I did not...

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