Chapter 30. Dear Anthony (David)

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   (Present time)

   Finally Home. Finally safe. Finally back in my fortress.

   I lock the door behind me and lean my back on the heavy, wooden barrier between my sanctuary and the harsh, hostile world. I am a refugee, hiding from my own fears. I wish I could leave outside also the memories of the previous night, but I know they will haunt me forever. There is no escape from what is in your own head. I hope I will be able to take pleasure in recalling each magical moment one day, when I find peace again, when the pain is gone.

   "Davy, are you sure you want to be alone?" Sarah whines, scratching on the solid, hardwood, outer surface, like a puppy whose master did not let it enter the house. She is not happy about it, but I really can't handle her presence right now. I need to retreat in the solitude of my lair as a wounded animal.

   "We can only sit together and watch a movie," she doesn't give up. "No need to talk. I won't ask what happened, not a single question. I swear."

   "Not now, Boo-Boo," I answer softly, touched by the desperate note in her voice. She is worried. I love her for her sweet, compassionate nature and for never giving up on me all these years. "I am sorry. I need some time to brace myself and sort my thoughts. I will call you tomorrow. I promise."

   "Fine," she sighs deeply. "I know who you'll go to, the very moment I'm gone."

   "Are you pouting?" I chuckle. Sarah's constant rivalry with my favorite plant for my attention can improve even my worst moods. I believe she often does it on purpose, just to raise my spirits.

   "Of course I am," she grumbles. "You are sending away someone with a degree in psychology in favor of something that can only... ugh... exist."

   "Don't underestimate Anthony's intelligence," I snort. "He is a very smart plant."

   "You don't say," she giggles. "You can give him a kiss for me then. Alright, see you tomorrow. Get some sleep. Call me, if you need anything and don't overthink"

   "Thank you, Sarah," I smile. "You are the most amazing person I know."

   "Oh, is that so? I was really wondering why the hell we're talking, standing on two different sides of your locked door. Now I see it's because of my awesomeness." I roll my eyes and smile wider. She is the only person who dares to be sarcastic with me and I really like it. Not that I talk to many other people, though. She falls silent for a moment and then adds seriously, "Davy, I can see that it hurts badly. It will get better, baby. I promise."

   "I know," I mumble, pressing my forehead to the door. "I love you, Sarah."

   "I love you too," she says. Her receding footsteps are fading away along the pathway, leading through the front garden to the busy street. The roar of the car engine announces her departure in few minutes. I am alone.

   I drag my feet to the living room and flop on the sofa, pinning my gaze on the perfectly spherical and incredibly prickly cactus, proudly swelling with importance in its brand new, unreasonably expensive pot.

   "Dear Anthony, Sarah sends you a kiss," I mutter. "Forgive me for not passing it on to you."

   I am sure he does not mind. He wouldn't let his thorns get that big, if he liked kisses.

   "Do you think we should adopt a cat, or maybe a dog?" I squint at the silent ball. "I know you don't like this idea, but you have nothing to worry about. Who would bother you and risk a thorn in the paw? Relax, you will still be my favorite."

   The cactus remains silent, as if staring expectantly. 

   I can feel every painful contraction and expansion of my heart. Do not believe, if someone tells you it is only a muscle. It is the knot of all the despair, desire and sadness you've ever felt and hurts excruciatingly. I need to talk about our night together, about him, or else my heart might just stop, unable to take all the pain.

   "I have no idea how you do it, Anthony," I sigh and snuggle among the cushions, "but you always manage to bring my deepest secrets to the surface. I didn't have many before. You were probably bored to listen to me ranting about ordinary things, but now I do. I met this man. His name is Ryo. It is a specials name, because it is only for me. He gave it to me as a present. You want to know what he's like? Well, he is strong, confident, handsome, intimidating, but also gentle and... and..."

   I can't stop the sobs shaking my shoulders. The tight suit is suffocating me. How could I fall for him so badly, a complete stranger, someone I was supposed to have fun with. I had to learn the hard way that one night stands were not for me. I start pulling on my jacket, trying to get rid of the restricting clothes. I can't breathe.

   Something thumps on the floor. I wipe away the tears and peek under the coffee table. It is my phone. I don't even remember putting it in my pocket. Who cares! I will just leave it there. I am not in the mood to talk to whoever might decide to call anyway. No one will actually call. My parents, Sarah and Lea are the only people who have my number and they are perfectly aware that I don't appreciate phone calls. I communicate with all my business partners only by e-mail.

   I am ready to go back to self-pity, but then I decide that checking my e-mails might be a good distraction and retrieve the phone from under the table. My eyes widen the moment I activate it. There is a note, pinned on the home screen. I open it.

   'I am sorry, Otokomae.

   Couldn't stay longer, urgent business matters.

   I took your number. Hope you don't mind.

   Wait for my call.

   You are a true angel when you sleep.'



Hello everyone at the end of chapter 30.

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Were you surprised that Ryo did not actually just leave?

So, what do you think will be his next move? 🤔

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Love: Anny

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