Chapter 19. Where Is He? (David)

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   [trigger warning - mild body shaming and anxiety attack description]

   ❤ Perfection has many faces. ❤ Every person is beautiful. ❤ No bullies allowed here. ❤

   (Twenty years ago)

   "Baby, come on! You're taking too much time. What are you still doing in that bathroom?" I hear my mother's footsteps up the stairs. "You're gonna be late for school. Sarah's been waiting for you outside for fifteen minutes."

   Her pretty face appears in the door frame, adorned by a big, encouraging smile. I smooth my hair one last time and drag my feet towards her with a gloomy expression, stubbornly stating, "I don't want to go."

   "Why not?" she asks cheerfully, ignoring my pout. "You had plenty of time to relax and have fun during summer vacation. Don't tell me you are not impatient to see your friends."

   "What friends?" I grumble. "Only Sarah is my friend."

   "Davy, that's not true," mom sighs. "Georgie is your friend too. What about Sammy? Didn't you make that amazing project about deep sea creatures together last year?"

   "Yeah, I guess they are," I mutter and fling my backpack over my shoulder. "They wouldn't like me, though, if I didn't buy them smoothies at every lunch break."

   "You do not have to do it, baby," my mother chuckles, ruffling my hair. "I'm sure they will still like you if you stop."

   "Mom!" I yell and run back to the mirror to adjust the untidy locks. "I've told you like a thousand times not to touch my hair."

   "Mood," she rolls her eyes. "Honestly, you're too obsessed with your looks for a ten year old boy. Where did all this vanity come from? Surely not from me. I hardly looked at the mirror when I was your age. You must have gotten it from your father. He should have become a fashion model instead of a lawyer."

   "I'll take this as a compliment," dad laughs out, standing up from the large, sectional sofa when we finally enter the vast living room. He is as impressive as always in his designer suit, honey blond hair in a perfect classic quiff and tall, muscular figure, still radiating that boyish charm in his late forties. "You look good, young man. I chose another career, but you can definitely try your luck in the fashion industry."

   "I like computers," I mumble under my nose. Having attractive, successful parents always raises high expectations upon their child. I already felt it, even at my young age. My priority is getting good grades while my peers think only about the mischief they'd rather do instead of writing their homework.

  "Let's go. Sarah must have lost patience," dad waves us to the door.

   "Davyyy," my best friend screams happily. The cute, chubby girl next door is leaning on our maroon Porsche Cayenne, beaming from ear to ear. "Can we tell everyone at school that you're my boyfriend?"

   "Sure," I grin. "But we already told them that last year."

   "I knooow," she giggles and grabs my hand, pulling me on the back sit. "I just love watching their stunned, jealous faces. We're going to announce it every year from now on. Emily will be green with envy again."

   "She surely will," I laugh and plaster a kiss on her cheek. 

   We grew up together and have been best friends since day one. She is the sweetest person I know. Our classmates, though, especially some of the girls, never gave her the chance to show her true colors. They were all too busy to make fun of her weight. We eventually found the perfect way to survive primary school, after several fights and a few unpleasant visits to the principal's office. She is respected now, being my girlfriend. I, in my turn, got rid of the cheeky girls, gravitating around me. They've always made me feel uncomfortable. I have no single doubt that I like boys since the day I watched David Bowie in Labyrinth, bad boys at that. Another survival skill is to be friends with the worst bullies. They are easy to win. Just buy them food and do their projects and you will be left in peace.

   "So, Davy," Sarah wraps an arm around my shoulders while dad is racing through the suburbs as fast as law and safety allow. "Tell me everything about your adventures on the..."

   "Sarah, honey," mom interrupts her abruptly. "Did Diana tell you something this morning?"

   "Ohh, I... yes... I am sorry... it's..." My friend stutters nervously. Her face turns bright red. "Yeah, mom told me not to talk about..."

   "Hey, isn't that George?" Dad exclaims, pointing to the sidewalk. "Why is he walking alone to school? Let's give him a ride. Children, make some place for your friend."

   "Great," I huff and move closer to the window. "Do we really have to? The school is close by. He'll be there in few minutes."

   The tall boy settles next to Sarah and smirks, nudging her with his elbow, "Hi, miss Roly-Poly!"

   "Watch it, George," I immediately hiss, squeezing her hand. "Be careful what you call my girlfriend."

   "You're still together?" he bellows. "Sorry, man! I was just teasing her. You look good, Sarah. Did you lose some weight?"

   "Idiot!" she mutters and turns her back to him, but I can't miss the tears in her eyes.

   "You are beautiful and he is dumb," I whisper in her ear, evoking a faint smile.

   We finally arrive. The courtyard is stuck with people. Students, parents and teachers are chatting lively, gathered in small groups. My gaze starts roaming feverishly from face to face. I need to find someone. It is very important. I am suddenly worried, so worried that I can't breathe normally. My hands are trembling. My heart is racing faster and faster by the second.

   "Davy, what's the matter?" I hear Sarah's voice, but can't look at her. All these faces. None is the one I desperately need to see. My throat tightens.

   "Mom, is he here?" I barely whisper, grabbing my mother's hand.

   "Who are you looking for, baby?" she asks. "Sammy is over there, talking to George. You can join them if you want. I and daddy will be right here."

   "Where is he?" I scream, shaking like a leaf. "Where is he? Where is he?"

   People start turning to look at us with startled expressions. My father tries to hug me, but I push him away with all force. Sarah looks terrified. She's clinging to my arm, chanting worriedly, "Davy, I will find him. Who are you looking for? Just tell me and I'll go find him."

   "I don't know," I cry out, terrified to the core. Uncontrollable sobs are making my whole body shiver. "I don't know. I just have to see him. I thought he would be here. Sarah, is he alright? Where is he?"

   The air can't pass through my tight throat. My legs soften. I slide to the ground. I have no idea what is happening and no clue who I am hoping to see. I only know I will die, if he is not here.

   "I can't breathe," I rasp. Despair overwhelms me. I close my eyes, struggling for every gulp of air.

   "Dan, quickly, call 911. He's having a seizure again." My mother's voice is high and filled with fear. I feel her wet palms on my face. "Baby, calm down. Breathe slowly. It's ok. Everything will be ok."

   The loud sound of the ambulance siren wails in my ear before everything becomes black.


Photo 38183445 © Ponsulak |


Hello everyone at the end of chapter 19.

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This was a tough one.

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Love: Anny

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