Part 60: Don't let them win

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June's point of view

"Another source said that Wacko's girlfirend is in the hospital right now. What happened to her? Mystery. But my little bird tells me there is something to do with these past events... Guilty much, June?" The reporter declared.

I can't believe this.

This can't be true. Why would they do this to me? Both of them. Anna has been my best friend for years, and Michael promised  me he would never cheat on me just like Joseph did to his mother. I can't believe him. I put all my trust in him, I really trusted him and he just betrayed me... Just like my best friend. Fuck it! Why? Why my life has to be so complicated?

"June, let me explain," Michael pleaded with a shaky voice. "It's really doesn't look as bad as it seems--"

"What?!" I shouted. "What the hell is that, Michael?" I shouted again.

"Babe, calm down, please..."

"Calm down?" I chuckled angrily. "You want me to CALM DOWN?" I paused, and sat on the hospital bed. "See, I can yell at you, too! How does it feel Michael, huh? Does it feel as good as hugging my best friend?"

"Lemme explain!"

"Explain? Did you let me explain my situation before you yell at me earlier? Oh no you didn't." I chuckled angrily once again. "So now, was that good? Huh? Was that good to have my best friend's hands on your butt? Was it good to be in another woman's arms? Oh don't answer, Michael. It looks like you enjoyed it! Look how you hug her back with your arms around her! Ain't it cute?!" I yelled, pointing at the TV screen. My whole body was shaking.

"She forced me!" He mocked my excuse. Is he serious right now?

"Don't tell me you really said that." I asked, standing up from the bed. My head's spinning and my wrist's aching but I don't care.

"What if I did?" He challenged me. I looked at him in disbelief and gave him a disgusting look. I don't recognize the man I fell in love with. Why is he acting like this? It's not my Michael. It's not the man I love.

"You disgust me," I hissed, shaking my head. "Get out."

"No, I'm not going anywhere," he refused once again.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out." I enunciated through clenched teeths. I wiped the tears of my eyes, but soon they were already remplaced by some new ones.

"No," he said, sitting back in the chair.

"Get out of my room! Get out of my life! Get out!" I yelled at him, as tears continued to fall from my eyes.

"No! I'm staying here! We're not done!" He yelled back.

My room's door opened, and my mom came in, closing the door behind her, "Stop this! Stop yelling at each other!" My mom shouted, looking at us.

"I don't want him here, mom. Make him leave, please." I pleaded with tears in my eyes.

"Mich--" my mom began, but Michael interrupted her.

"With all your respect, Michelle, I'm not going anywhere."

"Fuck it, Michael! Move! Leave! Go!" I yelled again.

"Sweetie, calm down! Don't you see what's happening?" She asked me and Michael. "Can't you both see you were trapped?"

"What?" Michael asked, standing from his chair.

"What do you mean, mom?" I asked, regaining my calm.

"I saw what they said on the news. Isn't weird you both were caught the same day with Anna and Matt? Isn't weird they both tried the same day to do something to you, knowing you're together?" My mom asked, looking from me to Michael. "Sweetie," she began, walking up to me and sit me on the bed, "you told me Anna acted weird when she showed last night, that she even stared at Michael like she wanted to eat him alive, right?" I nodded in response. "Well, don't you think they orchestrated all of this to make you guys argue or break up?"

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