Part 73: She's Not There

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Richmond, Virginia, 8:30AM

June's point of view

When I arrived in Richmond, the first thing I did was finding an hotel where I could stay without being noticed. Of course I didn't give my real name, and I was covered by large shades and a baseball cap. Michael's baseball cap, actually, but it doesn't matter. I was glad to see that the staff from the hotel didn't recognize me. I had enough of the paparazzi stalking me all day long since Michael left for his tour, and even more when this photo of me appeared in the tabloids. This trip here is also a way for me to run away from those people. I needed a break from all of them. It's like I needed a break from life, actually. My life became so silly at this point. I didn't even have a goal; nothing.

As I entered my hotel room, I noticed the beautiful view I had from there. Richmond is quite a beautiful city. Its peaceful here, compared to New York. Don't get me wrong, I love New York. I'm a New Yorker, a true one, but sometimes I wish this city could be a little bit more quiet and peaceful.

Except from this, the room I was in wasn't as beautiful as the view. It was quite dark in here, and it was sad. The walls were painted in a dark shade of brown, the bed's sheets were grey, and there was only a little nightstand which stood just next to the bed. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. The bathroom was as dark and depressing: a shower tub, a sink and some toilets stood there, in this tiny room. It looked like this room reflected my own mood.

When I sat on the bed, I looked at my phone was the first time since I left New York. Thirty two missed calls and seven texts. All of them were from Michael expect one text from my mother which said she was sorry not calling me during the day, but she was busy. She said she would call me later during the day because she thought I was asleep. If only you knew, mom.

Michael, 4:01AM: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that, please call me back."

You said it anyways, asshole, I thought.

Michael, 4:25AM: "June? Please baby, call me back."

Michael, 4:37AM: "I'm sorry. You know where my heart is, I didn't mean to say that. You're the love of my life, I would never hurt you on purpose."

But you did hurt me, I said out loud.

Michael, 5:01AM: "I have to go on stage soon, I need to know you're ok. Please..."

Michael, 5:41AM: "I'm starting to worry about you. Why aren't you calling me back? I'm so so sorry... Karen and Sheryl told me I've been an asshole for a couple of days, I don't know why. June, please..."

Michael, 6:09AM: "I'm going on stage. I'll stop sending you texts and calling you if it's what you want. Just let me know you're ok, and I'll leave you alone... Just know I love you with all my heart, and I miss you so much that it hurts. Don't get too mad at me, it's not good for your heart. I hope it's still mine... I love you, love of my life. Please, tell me you're ok."

I knew if I called Michael back, I couldn't hide the tiredness in my voice, and he would notice it and begin to worry about me, and I didn't want him to. I decided to text him back, just saying: "I love you too."

This brought a slight smile on my lips. I didn't smile in days, and I was happy to see Michael was the one to bring a smile on my face. However, as I was about to push the send button, I looked up and...

"You're weak," my brother stated. "I thought you'd be stronger than this."

"Oh my god. You're not real. You're not real. You're dead. Gone. Burried. You cannot be here,"I murmured to myself, my eyes tightly shut.

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