Part 71: I'm coming

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June's point of view

The whole day has been a real torture to me. I had to call Jer and ask him if he could come over because I really couldn't stay alone. I needed someone to be there with me, I needed someone to comfort me... Wait, no. I didn't need someone, I needed Michael. He is the only one I needed, the only one I need. However, Jer's presence wasn't bad. I'm not saying I feel better, but I guess I felt like I wasn't alone anymore. He has always been a good listener, and a good friend. He helped me the best he could, and I thanked him for this, but the thing is I really don't feel like I can be any better, no matter what I do. I feel so low and lonely. I keep having hallucinations of my brother and my father, and I don't even know if I'm enjoying it, or if it scares the hell out of me.

As I turned around and put my head on Michael's pillow where the smell of him had practically disappeared, I took a quick glance at the digital clock on the nighstand which read 3:04am. I didn't hear from Michael all day long, and I missed him. Thinking about this brought tears in my eyes. I don't know if he saw the photo of me in the press or on tv, I don't know if he's not calling because he is mad at me about it... I just don't know. But I realized when Michael's not here, it's like I'm not fully here too. He's a part of me, he really is. I can't even wrap my mind around it. How can someone  become this important in your life in this little amount of time? I came to understand that I won't be able to live without Michael, and it scares me. I don't like to be dependent on something, on someone. Plus, I know Michael's not immortal, we're all  gonna die one day. I really hope I won't witness his death, I hope I'll be gone before he has to go. I can't take anymore death.

As I was deep in thoughts, my cellphone buzzed on the nightstand, and when I took a glance at it, and noticed it was a text from Michael. I hesitated before opening it, but I did it anyway. Maybe I shouldn't have opened it..

"Hey. Call me when you're awake. Need to talk to u. Important."

Short, but full of meaning. I knew it was bad. Of course I called him right away. I couldn't sleep knowing Michael was mad at me.

"Hey," I just said, in a low voice.

"Hey. I thought you'd be sleeping," he said, his sweet voice reassured me a bit.

"I can't," I sighed.

"Me neither," I sighed too. I could hear he was tired as hell by the tone of his voice. "Listen, June, I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, I know. I need to talk to you as well, but go ahead. I'm listening."

"You were on TV today," he began, he seemed nervous, which made me even more anxious, "and you were half naked. I couldn't even understand what they were saying, but I just saw you, and..." He trailed off, sighing.

"I tried to call you and explain everything to you, but I couldn't reach you," I began, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Explain? So there's something to explain right now?" He scoffed. I was a bit shocked by his sudden change of voice. It was very stern when he told me this.

"Don't be like this," I whispered, rubbing my forehead. I sat up on the bed, and brang my knees to my chest.

"Like what? Like I'm not shocked to see my girlfriend half naked on tv? Like I like the fact she's into porn?"

"Porn, Michael? Seriously? Wow," I forced a chuckle, tears falling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe him.

"Well, that's what's written, and your outfit can't deny it."

"Michael! Hello! You believe what's written in magazines now?"

"I don't need to read anything to see your outfit is pretty provocative! What were you thinking? How do I look to people now?"

"W-what?" I was seriously taken aback by his last question. "I can't believe you, Michael. I just... Wow. How do you look now? You look like a fucking dumbass."

"Excuse me?" He scoffed.

"You heard me!" I yelled, tears running down my cheeks. "Even if you have low esteem of me, just know I did this to help my parents pay the medical bills. I would have done anything to help my parents, to help my father healing! Anything! You know what, Michael?" I asked, giving him another forced chuckle, crying even more. "If the photographer would have asked me to pose naked, I would have done it, because I would have done anything for my father. Anything, you hear me? And if you're so ashamed of this, ashamed of me, then just leave me. People keep ruining my silly life, so leave me so you can stay away from this entire situation. You don't want your status to be jeopardize now, would you?"

He didn't say anything. He let me speak.

"That's what I thought. Goodbye, Michael."

I didn't wait for his answer, and I just hung up the phone, and threw it across the room. It crashed on the floor, but I didn't give a shit. I cried my heart out, hating my life even more. The only person I ever loved just told me he was ashamed of me. How can he be this mean? He's normally very understanding, I didn't even recognized the man I had on the phone. He was not my Michael. Even when he's mad at me, he's not that mean. He promised me he won't yell at me again the same way he did back in the hospital, but he did.

My blood kept boiling in me. I was sad, I was angry, I was devasted. I hopped out of bed, my vision was blurred by all the tears I was crying, and put some jeans and sweater on. I took one of my travelling bags and threw some clothes and hygienic stuff in it. I put my hair in a high ponytail, ignoring my phone's buzzing on the floor. I examined myself in the mirror and cried even more at the sight of me. I really did look awful. The bags under my eyes were very apparent and I didn't find the strength to hide them, and I didn't care. I picked my buzzing phone from the floor and stuffed it in my pocket. I knew it was Michael who was calling me over and over again to try to apologize, but I didn't care. He treated me like I was some type of whore, that I did this because I liked being half naked in front of some stranger. He acted just like the press did, and it broke my heart into millions of pieces, because he keeps sayj g how bad those people are, and he's actually willing to listen to them about me? He knows me! He knows I'm not like this! Why did he act like a dick? This is all about this bitch. She needs to stop. I'm gonna kill her. She's driving me insane.
I searched for my car keys for a few minutes, and once I found them, I closed my appartement door behind me, and hopped in my car. I thew my bag on the backseat, and turned the engine on. When I looked at my right, there was my father, looking at me with a sad look on his face. The sight of him broke my heart even more. Michael told him he would never hurt me, but he's hurting me right now.

"He's just shocked, sweetheart. Let him some time," my father said. It's like he knew what I was thinking. "I hear your thoughts. Now, go back to your appartement. Don't drive like this. You shouldn't drive this way."

"D-Dad? How come you're here?"

"I'm here because you want me to be here. Come on, go back home."

"No. I need to see her! She can't keep ruining my life!"

"Don't. You are sick, you need help."

"I don't care. You're dead. You're not here. You're gone like everyone I've ever loved. You disappeared," I said, closing my eyes tightly. I ignored my father's warning and turned the engine on.

I'm coming for you, bitch. You're going to pay for this.

Michael's point of view

As I was taking another pain killer for my aching head, I tried to call June back for the twentieth time, but she still didn't pick up her phone, and I began to worry about her. I know I was harsh with her, but I don't know what got into me. I was angry when I so this photo of her on tv, and thinking the whole world saw it as well just broke me from the inside. I didn't know when it was taken, why it was on tv... All I saw who this title on an American tabloid which said: Jacko's (Call)Girl, and I just stood there, shocked. Why didn't she tell me about this? She should have told me, I would have reacted a little bit better... I'm such an ads sometimes! I can't talk to the woman I love this way.

What is wrong with me?


Hey guys!
That was a short chapter, but I'm soon in holidays, and I'll be able to update a lot :) stay tuned, and thank you for reading, voting and commenting.
xxx, Julie.

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