Part 11: Staying strong

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We finished dinner. I was here, staring at him, staring at his handsomeness without saying a word. All I wanted was to take his hand, to hug him once again, to smell his wonderful perfume. He was so close yet so far away. He barely knows me. Even if I think I know him, I don't know how he really is in real life. I don't know the real Michael Jackson, I am simply beginning to discover him. I have to enjoy these two days with him. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I got to enjoy it. However, I know I should not be the way I am now. I care too much, and I know it, but it is hard not to be feeling important when you're with MJ. He makes you feel like you're the greatest person on the Earth. He's adorable, cute, funny, he cares a lot about people too, and he has a lot of love to give. But he stays the King Of Pop, the superstar... Being on a date with Michael Jackson is a double-edged sword situation: in both of cases, it cuts like a knife. If you come in a relationship with MJ, you'll be hurt by paparazzis, press, tabloids and you'll have a restless life, but if you don't date MJ, you'll regret it for the rest of your life because he's the sweetest man on the planet. Wait ? Am I saying this is a date ? I don't think so. Is it ? I don't even know what it is.

"Why are you staring at me this way?", he asked me, smiling.

"Because you're wonderful. I was remembering the song we sang together. You know, if you sing ballads like this everyday to the girl you're dating, she might fall in love with you faster than expected. I'm telling you..."

"Well, that's a good tip..." He marked a pause, his head down. "I'll sing another ballad to you tomorrow, then."

I smiled, my head down too. He wants me to fall for him, or was it just a joke ? Anyway. 
When I looked down to my watch, I notice it was already 10pm. Times flies so fast with Michael. 

"Hey, would you like to sleep here ? You know, we'll have a kind of sleepover", I said, laughing while clearing the table.

"A sleepover, huh ? Are we gonna talk about boys and braid each other hair too ?", he said, laughing at me.

I threw a towel at him, laughing too.

"Michael Joseph Jackson ! How can you laugh at me ? I was trying to be nice to you!"

He came at me and hugged me a little. 

"I am joking. I'll be happy to have this sleepover with you", he said, giggling. 

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