Part 61: You're my favorite record

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Three days later, 10/28/87

June's point of view

Well, today is the day I'm finally discharged from this hospital. Dr. Warren wanted to keep me for three days because the first treatment they gave me didn't work on me. Like he told me three days ago, sometimes the initial treatment doesn't work, it's rare, but it happens. And of course, it happened to me. It took two entire days to find the appropriated treatment for me, and after numerous blood tests and other tests, I finally have the right treatment, and I feel much better. My heart is finally stabilized. However, Dr. Warren warned me about what could happen to me if I forgot my treatment. He told me it could be dangerous for my heart, and that I could, once again fall into a coma or worse, have a heart attack. Of course, now both my mom and Michael know that, they're really sweet with me. Michael kept apologizing about his behavior three days ago, but I guess I forgave him. I mean, I really didn't like the way he talked to me, and when he talked to me this way. I was waking up from a coma, and he just yelled at me like nothing happened, like I wasn't sick and sad. He told me that he doesn't think a word he said to me, that he was blinded by hate and anger. Some of you must think that I'm a too naïve, because, let's face it, he'll yell at me again, but I don't think so. Michael really seemed sorry, and I could see guilt written all over his face. He really didn't mean to yell at me this way, at this time. I believe and trust him.

Speaking about Michael, he has been harassed by paparazzi ever since the photos of him and Anna and Matt and I popped up on every TV screens all around the world. They keep asking stupid questions about us, about what happened, but of course, Michael ignore them. And things won't get better... When people will know that I'm not going on tour with Michael, they'll keep throwing shit about our relationship. Yeah, I can't go on tour because, even if I do have a treatment for my heart, I can't be on a plane for a two weeks. Doctors say my heart needs to rest, just like me. The thing is, I feel fine, really. I feel much better, it's like nothing happened. My breathing's good, my head's not spinning anymore, well, my wrist's still broken, but I have a cast on it, but I'm physically fine. How am I feeling mentally? That's another story. Tons of questions are running through my head since everything happened. I mean, I wonder... Why? Why did they do that to us? I never did anything to hurt them on purpose, so I really don't understand why they did this. Michael really wanted to keep Matt's ass, but I told him it was no big deal, that we didn't have to do this because it would make things worse. I also told him that there will always be people to break us down, that's why we have to move on, and don't pay any attention to those people. He agreed, and finally the idea is out his head. The thing is, I convinced Michael not to do anything stupid, but I can't help myself, and feeling like I need explanations. I mean, Anna was my best friend for years, so I don't understand why she did this to me. Of course I hate her for what she did to us, but I really feel like she owe me an explantion. Should I let it go? Yeah, I think so. I should enjoy the last few days I have left with Michael before he leaves for the second leg of the tour. Six months. That's the amount of time he has left, and that's the amount of time I'll have to spend without him. He doesn't want me on tour with him, because he says it's too much stress and too much weary for me. He wants me to be perfectly well-recovered and fine, so he wants me to rest for at least two whole months. Overprotective much? Yeah, but I love it. My baby's worried about me, and it shows he cares about me. Those six months are going to be rough without him. When I came back here, in New York, without Michael, have been horrible days. I missed him like crazy, I couldn't sleep well when he wasn't aournd, and I couldn't even think straight without him by my side. How am I supposed to deal with six months away from the man I love? Michael tried to reassure me by saying that he'll be calling me every single day, that he'll find time for me, just to hear my voice, but hearing his voice is not as good as feeling his presence beside me. Guess this is what we get when we're dating Michael Jackson, huh?

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