Part 87: Forgiven But Not Forgotten

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June's point of view

"What the hell are you doing here? You really think I wanna talk to you, or even look at you right now?" I asked, walking closer to the man who I caught making out with my mother in our family home. Disgusting.

"Hear me out, please," he begged. "I really need to talk to you and--"

"And the idea never crossed your mind that I wouldn't want to talk to your ass?" I asked with an attitude. "I have so much more important to do than dealing with you," I said, before walking away. However, Damon grabbed my forearm and stopped me. Pit ran towards us, and pushed Damon back. Pit towered him. He's much more taller than that piece of shit is.

"I recommand you to step back and keep your fucking hands for yourself, sir," Pit warned, standing in front of me protectively.

"And who the fuck are you?" Grey asked, looking up to Pit.

"I'm Miss Wellington's bodyguard and friend, so I truly advise you to step back," he warned again, and a slight smile touched my lips.

"June, let me at least talk to you, please," he pleaded again.

"Talk," I shrugged, "but I'm not saying I'll listen," I admitted, which caused Pit to snicker.

Damon gave a death glare to Pit and clenched his teeth before looking at me again.

"I'm sorry you walked on your mother and I the other day. We were going to tell you, but you were away, and we wanted to tell you once you were back. It's not things you say through the phone," he said, looking right at me, and to my suprise, I found myself listenning to him. "I think I'm in love with your mother," he admitted, breaking eye-contact with me to look at the floor.

"You think? What the fuck, man?" I asked in disbelief. "You know what? Whatever, I don't give a fuck. This woman isn't my mother anymore," I said, and began to turn away towards Jer's house.

"She misses you!" he shouted behind me, and I stopped dead in my tracks. She missed me, but she didn't even try calling me on my phone. She just gave up, and I don't think that's what people do when they miss someone. Michael missed me too, and he didn't ever give up on trying to call me, even though he knew I wouldn't answer. "She's miserable without you, please forgive her. I'm not asking you to welcome me with opened arms, I'm not asking you to approve our relationship...I'm just asking you to just try to be happy for your mother's happiness. She's the one who gave you birth, you can't just forget about her, you can't just walk away from her."

I turned around to look at Grey with raised eyebrows, "Who do you think you are, huh? Giving me lectures? My father? Well, sorry buddy, but you're nothing like my father. You are nothing."

"Please, don't do that do her, she needs you. You can't walk away from her," he said, shaking his head from side to side.

"Watch me, asshole," I taunted and headed towards Jer's home. Once I was in, I slammed the door behind me. Who does he think he is? I asked myself, heading to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. I was betrayed by my own flesh, and the guy thought that he could come over and just change my mind while I don't even know him and that he is the reason of all of this? Well, he was completely wrong.

"Hey there, JuJu," David greeted me, coming from the living room while I was sitting on a barestool in the kitchen. "So, how is Lagerfeld like? What did you guys talk about? Was he nice? Come on, I wanna know everything!" He said excitidely.

"It went well," I simply said. I didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted to go out and just kick Damon's ass. As David sat across from me at the kitchen island, Pit came in the house, and joined us, setting my handbad on the kitchen counter. "Is he gone?" I asked him, and David frowned.

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