Part 12: The Sleepover

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Well, Michael is sleeping here. I can't believe it. It's crazy ! I can't believe this is happening to ME. Why me, after all ? I'm just a regular girl, I have nothing more than other girls out there. I mean, I have now... Yup, I have Michael Jackson by my side ! 
As we were sitting on the couch, Michael told me about what it's like to be that famous. In people's mind, being famous is something great, but in Michael's mind, it's not quiet the same. He told me about his rough childhood, his father calling him "fat nose", why he decided to create Neverland... I learned a lot about him. It was very touching. 

"Hey ! Wanna play a game?" Michael asked me joyfully. 

"Yeah, sure! What game?"

"You know Truth or Dare, right? It could be fun, and we could learn to know each other!"
Michael is so cute when he is excited... 

"Okay", I said. "But I need to get something before starting." 
I stood up and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to get a tequila bottle and two glasses. I don't know if Michael drinks tequila... 

When Michael saw me with a tequila bottle in my hands, he laughed. 

"I need a glass before we start... Want some?" 

"I usally don't drink, but I'll have this one with you, why not!"

"Ok, 1,2,3, DRINK !"

Ahhh, Michael's face was priceless. I believe him when he says he usally don't drink... 

"Ok, let's begin ! Ladies frist", said Michael with a smile. "Truth or Dare?"

"Ummm... Truth."

"Let's see... What's your middle name ?"

"That's an easy question, thank you", I said, smiling. "It's french... it's Aurélie."

"Oh, that's beautiful ! So you have French family ?"

"Hey! One question at a time! Your turn now", I declared. "Truth or Dare?"


"Why did you choose me to meet you instead of my friend next to me ?"

"You can't do that! I told you it was too soon to tell you..."

I looked at him with my puppy dog eyes.

"Don't look at me this way, please!", said Michael, laughing nervously. 

"What face ? Just answer the question, Michael..."

"Ok, ok... Stop this now, I'm gonna tell you". He took this shy face. "Can I have one more drink before please ?"

Gosh, I'm making him drink... I gave it to him, and he drank it down in one. 

"Well", he started. "I chose you because of one thing your friend did not have". 

"And what is it?", I asked.

"One question at a time...", he said with a smirk. "Truth or Dare?" he said, winking at me. 

"Dare", I said, challenging him.

"Aw, that's brave of you..." He marked a pause. "Umm... Gimme 10 push-ups", he said, giggling.

I laughed. "Are you serious? I can't even do one !" I exlamed on the floor, trying to do one. 

Michael was roaring with laughter, sitting on the couch. 

"That's ok, one is perfect, you can come back here now", he said still laughing. 

"I hate you, Michael Jackson !", I said, my arms crossed on my chest while sitting on the couch.

"Nop, you don't. Because I choose truth, now."

I smile again.

"What is the thing I have that my friend don't ?" I asked him, smiling. 

Michael lowered his face, and started blushing. 

"This... This perfect smile on your face. While most of the people in the audience were crying, you were there, proudly holding your sign with this huge and beutiful smile on your face", he declared with his soft shy voice.

"Aww, you're sweet, Michael ! But you know, I cried at the end of the show..."

"You did ? What for ?"

"I wanted to stay with you..."

"I am with you now, don't worry. We gonna enjoy the time we have left together", Michael told me, holding me hand.

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