Part 17: Welcome to Neverland !

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We arrived in front of the gates of Neverland around 7pm. When we walked inside the house, a maid was here to welcome us. We were followed by Luis, Michael's chauffeur, who was holding my suitcases. Neverland Ranch is huge ! There are so much things to see that we don't know what to begin with: the zoo, the amusement park, the lake... It's really beautiful. My eyes widened when I saw a little chimp come to Michael. 

"Oh hey there, buddy !", Michael said picking up the chimp in his arms. "Bubbles, meet June, June meet Bubbles". 

"Hey Bubbles", I cooed, rubbing his head. 

Bubbles opened his arm to me, as Michael put the chimp in my arms. He gave me a tight hug, which made me smile ear to ear. 

"He seems to like you already", said Michael, giggling. 

"I like him already, too ! He is so cute", I said, as Bubbles wrapped his arms around my neck. 

"Come on Bubbles, don't steal June from me, I gotta show her her room!" Michael declared, picking up the little chimp from my arms. 

"Bye Bubbles", I said, waving at him. He waved back at me, which made me laugh. 

When we get inside the main house of the Ranch, my eyes widened at the beauty of the place. The decorating is so luxury. Comes with classical concept with high class furniture quality and model. That’s so matching with the floor style, which is come with wooden material. This make this house looks so amazing. 

Then, Michael drove me to a hallway, lined with windows which apparently leads away from the master bedroom of the main house: Michael's bedroom. Michael opened a French door just next to his room. 

"Here is your room, Ms. Wellington !", Michael happily said. 

I looked at him with a "are-you-serious?" look, which made him giggle. I opened my mouth in amazement. This room is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. A king bed size stood in the middle of the room with red satin sheets, and red curtains. The room was really birght thanks to the large windows. I felt Michael finger under my chin as he closed my moutch wich was visibly still open in amazement... I turned around to face him: he was laughing. 

"Your face was priceless", he said, still giggling. "I guess you like it?"

"Of course, M-Michael it's amazing." 

The bedroom's bathroom is as beautiful as the bedroom itself. A huge circular bathtub was next to the giant window so you can look outside while relaxing. Perfect I told myself.

"Well, I'll let you unpack your stuff ! Meet me downstairs when you're finished, dinner should be ready by then" Michael told me with a smile and left the room closing the door behind him.

God, this is gonna be the best vacation ever.

As I finished to unpack my stuff, I went downstairs to meet Michael in the dining room. A magnificent table was set with candles everywhere. It looked very romantic. 
As I enterred the dining room, I felt a warm hand on my bare shoulder. It turned around to see Michael. 

"Ready fo dinner?", he asked me with a light smile. 

"I'm starving!"

"Well, let's eat, then"

Michael pulled my chair as I sat down, thanking him, and then sat down in front of me. 

What a gentlman he is

Later that night

Just after dinner, Michael asked me to go out for a walk with him, thing that I gladly accepted. Neverland by night is even more beautiful than it actually is. 
As we began to walk, I felt a little wind through my hair which made me shiver a bit. Of course, Michael noticed it.

"Are you cold ? Do you want to come back inside ?" he asked me, with a concerned look in his magical big brown eyes. 

"No, I'm fine, Michael. Let's walk", I lied. I didn't want to ruin this moment with him. 

As we start to walk again, I felt Michael putting his black leather jacket over my shoulders. How sweet it was from him. I looked up at him and gave him a warm smile and thanked him. Like I said before, he is a true gentleman. 

"Felling better now ?"

"Yeah, thanks. Aren't you cold now?" I asked, concerned.

I giggled a bit, "No, I'm perfectly fine" he said, wrapping one of his arm around my shoulder. 

I feel so comfortable everythime he touches me. It's unbelievable how this man makes me feel important. When I'm with him it's like there is no one around us: just Michael and me. It's pretty dangerous for me to feel this way, I never felt that before. I remembered at this particular time what my dad asked me back when I was still in Brooklyn: 

"Dad, I'm fine now. But yes, I miss him."

"Are you in love with him ?"

"Dad! There is only one man in my life, and it's you. You're the only man I love."

I love my father dearly. To me, he is not only my father, but my best friend, my anchor, the one I'll love my entire life no matter what. He never let me down, he never betrayed me, and I know I'll love me no matter what I do. I'm afraid that, if I fall in love again, I'll love him less than I do now. Is that even possible ? I don't know. I've never been in love before. I mean, really in love. I've been in a relationship for three years with one of my "classmate" back in my college years. His name was Greg, and I cared about him. He was really carry at first, but he cheated on me then. And not only once. A couple of times. I felt betrayed, so I decided to broke up. Fair enough, right ?

"June?" called Michael, which made me out of my thoughts. 

"Mmh?" I hummed, looking up at him. 

"Are you ok?" 

"She sure, I just um, I just was thinking about a couple of things." I admitted. 

"What kind of things?" he asked me, concerned. 

"It's not important, don't you worry about it.", I said with a smile one my face. 

"You're sure? You know, if you need to talk about anything, you can talk to me." he told me, dead serious. "I'm your friend."

"Yeah, you're my friend" I repeated, faking a smile. 

What is wrong with me? I almost say that with an attitude, which made Michael look at me with a weird expression on his face. Geez... I need to let whatever feelings I have for Michael in a corner of my head. I can't fall in love with him. Not that it feels wrong, but... I just can't. He'll probably think I'm a kind of weirdo or som-... Wait ? I am saying I have feelings for him?

You freaking conscience...

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