Part 88: Stop Pressuring Me

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June's point of view

As hard as I tried to get rid of the person who was keeping his hand over my mouth so I just shut up, I couldn't: that person was way too strong for me. My voice was muffled against his hand, so nobody could come and help me. That's when I regretted not having Pit with me.

"Will you stop?" the person asked behind me, visibly irritated. The voice seemed familiar. "I just want to talk!"

"Damon?" I managed to say.

"Yeah. Will you shut the fuck up now, and talk to me?" he asked, finally letting go of me. I turned around, and hit him hard across the face. He automatically put his hand over his now aching cheek, and looked at me wide-eyed. "Are you fucking crazy? Why the hell did you do that?"

"Why?" I scoffed. "You're seriously asking me why I did that, you motherfucker?" I asked in his face. "You think it's a way to treat a woman? Who is, on top of that, the daughter of your... whatever you call her?"

"I thought she wasn't your mother anymore," He smartly said with a smirk. "You're talking non-sense, girl."

"I'm not wasting my time talking to your ass," I said, and began to turn around, but once again, the guy grabbed my forearm, and pulled me against his body. He looked down at me with a black stare, and I gulped. I didn't know he could be this scary.

"Your mother told me you were a coward, just like your father was. When things get complicated, you just walk away instead of facing your problems and work things out. She didn't lie about this," he gave me another smirk.

"You son of a bitch, don't you dare talk about my father," I warned.

"Or what? You're going to call your Wako Jacko so he can hurt me?" he asked, and I was beyond pissed. I tried once again to get away from his hold, but he wouldn't let me go. "Nah, you're going to listen to what I have to say," he paused, and squeezed my forearm even more. "First off, stop talking to me like you do. You feel superior because you're dating this Michael Jackson freak, or because you had a meeting with Karl Lagerfeld, huh?"

"What? H-How do you know that?" I winced. He hurt me.

"I just know. Now you're going to get rid of this attitude, and accept my relationship with your mother. You're going to talk to her, and face your damn problem for once."

"Stop acting like my damn father!" I yelled, and he covered my mouth again.

"Stop yelling! I won't hurt you!" he hissed, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"You hurt me!" I said against his hand, and tears were ready to fall from my eyes from the pain.

"Stop fighting me, and I'll let you go," he said, his voice was calmer now. "I really care for your mother, and seeing her in pain because of you is pissing me off. Don't you have any consideration for the woman who raised you? Who held you? Who fed you?"

"Does she have any consideration for the man she called the love of her life that passed away not even a whole year ago? Does she have any consideration for the man who represented my whole world?" I asked him, my vision blurry because of the tears that welled up in my eyes. "Does she have any consideration for the man she cried for months? Does she have any consideration for the man that gave her everything?" I finally said, crying at that point. I could feel my heart broke at every word I spoke about my father. I knew that I would cry his loss my entire life because he was everything to me, and I didn't want anybody to take his place because no one would be able to: we have just one father, and one mother in a lifetime, and once I lost my father, I thought my mother wouldn't try to replace him, but she did, and I couldn't understand this. I think you just have only one true love, not two, not three. Just one. My mother was my father's one true love, but he apparently wasn't my mother's, and I couldn't stand this idea, and I felt like she was cheating on him.

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