Part 62: Say What?

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One week later, 11/5/1987

Brooklyn, New York

June's point of view

Well, today's the day of my first check up with Dr. Warren. He wanted to see me to do some other tests to see if my body is well reacting to the treatment, just like it was in the beginning. Honestly, I feel really good. Physically, I mean. I don't feel tired, or weak or anything. My wrist has to be in this cast for one more week, and then I'm done with this. It's like this broken wrist is the thing that keeps me from remembering that I've been betrayed by my friends.I try not to think about it, but it's hard, you know. Anyways, I'm feeling good again. Actually, Michael's presence is a really good cure for me. He's really caring, and he gives me more love and attention than anyone has ever gave me. He is amazing, and I couldn't be more happy to be with him. Sometimes, I wonder why he is still with me. I mean, there are plenty of girls out there who want to be his girlfriend, and he chose me, the angel of death, the broken woman who walked away from him because she couldn't control her feelings. I guess he really loves me. Not that I doubted about it, but I am the kind of girl who likes to be reassured by her man. I'm kind of insecure when it comes about my relationship. Come on, let's face it. I don't have the easiest relationship in the world, and, on top of that, people are trying to break it. You must wonder: So why are you staying with Michael, if you're complaining about it? Why? Ah-ah. Because I'm madly in love with Michael Jackson. Speaking about my wonderful boyfriend, he's been in the studio with Quincy all week long. He's working very hard on this album, and he told me how much he was scared not to find good enough songs to put in it. When he told me that, I was like: “Seriously, man? You're Michael freaking Jackson, you're the best entertainer of all time, and you're scared not to be good enough?”. Michael is so insecure sometimes, it breaks my heart. He once told me he was insecure about his smile. Yeah, his smile, you read well. He has the most beautiful smile on this planet. If smiles could heal, Michael's smile could cure cancer. When we talk, it's like Michael doesn't think he's good enough to be this successful. Well, he actually knows he has talent, but he is a perfectionist, and nothing is never good enough for him. It has to be perfect. I try to tell him that he is perfect, and I really mean it, don't get me wrong, but he won't believe me. Even when I tell him he's handsome, he says thank you, but then he just say “but I'm not”. Serisouly, he really has to face the fact that he is fucking sexy and talented and... perfect. He's perfection to me, and to milion of girls out there. He just has to face it.

As I was getting ready to head to the hospital, Michael gave me a call from the studio.

“Hey gorgeous,” he said, and I knew he was smiling through the phone.

“Hey handsome, how is it going?” I asked, smiling too.

“It's going um, well. Are you feeling good?” he asked back, like I didn't see he was nervous and seemed upset.

“I'm feeling great. I'm about to go by now,” I began, speaking softly. “Baby, I can hear in your voice that something's wrong, what is it?”

“Nothing, don't worry about me. I'm good,” he softly said, but I know he's lying.

“Michael,” I sternly said. I know he doesn't like when I call him this, even though it's his name, “talke to me. I know you. Is there a problem with the album?”

“No, it's just... There's this one song “In The Closet”, I asked Madonna to record it with me, but she said she didn't like the lyrics, she didn't like the song, so now I'm lost, I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't have any ideas about who's going to--” he was speaking fast and he seemed really nervous, so I cut him off.

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