Part 76: You Ain't No Friend Of Mine

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June's point of view

After the first punch, Anna looked at me right in the eyes, her hand placed on her right cheek which was aching at this point. She gave a me a dumbfounded look, like she coudn't believe what the hell just happened. That look pissed me off even more. It's like she didn't understand why I was punching her in the first place. Without thinking, I hit her again, and again. I couldn't control myself, and punched the bitch all over again. She begged me to stop, but I wouldn't. I was blinded by my hate towards her, and the will to fight for Michael, like my father told me. She tried to put him away from me, and I had to show her that she won't ever succeed in doing it, and make her understand that what Michael and I had was real, sincere: something she won't have. At some point, Anna fell to the ground, still begging me to stop hitting her, but I couldn't care less of her distress, and kicked her multiple times in the ribs and in the stomach. That's when Jer arrived behind me, and took me back by my waist so I could stop kicking the bitch. I wrestled with him, and asked him to let me go so I could finish what I started, but he didn't.

"Let me go!" I yelled, as I was still wrestling with Jer. "I found her, now let me do what I have to do!" he said, as he turned me around so I could see him.

"What you have to do- stop! You speak like a crazy woman!" he yelled, and shook me by the shoulders. "Who the hell are you? I don't recognize you! Who's the non-violent person I once knew?" he asked me, as I tried to get away from his grip. "Look at her!" he commanded, nodding towards Anna behind me. "Look at her! Look what you did!"

I turned around, and finally looked at her, and saw her, lying on the floor, her arms folded on her belly, asking me to forgive her. Of course, I couldn' t forgive her. Never. She tried to ruin my life, and almost succeeded... Twice. The thing is, even though I knew I couldn't forgive her, Jer had a point. I used to be a non-violent person, and I hate violence. I really hate it. And there I was, hitting a woman like an hysterical freak. I stopped wreslting with Jeremy, and instantly tears welled up in my eyes. Not because I was sorry for her, I wasn't, believe me, but because my friend was right: it wasn't like me to be violent, and I didn't recognize myself for it.

"You bitch," I murmured to Anna. "You owe me some fucking explantions."

"You think you'll get some by hitting me?" she taunted.

"Don't be a smart ass with me, or I swear you'll get another piece of me. Don't tempt me."

"Stop, June," Jer whispered behind me. "If you want explanations, hear her out."

"Talk," I commanded as Anna stood up from the ground, wincing in pain.

"Maybe we could have a cup o-"

"Never. Now talk."

"Maybe we can go back to the hotel so you guys can talk there," Jeremy suggested. "I'll be there the whole time to make sure no one gets killed," he said with a smile to lighten the mood, but didn't succeded. I was staring daggers at Anna, but she had the decency to look away. Maybe the bitch feels really sorry, after all, I thought.

"I was getting home, anyways, so why not," she nervously said, shrugging her shoulders and looking at the ground.

"You need to put something on this lips of yours. You're bleeding pretty hard," Jer pointed. I noticed, but I couldn't care less.

"Yeah, I have a first aid kit in my trunk. Thank you for caring, Jeremy," the bitch smiled at him, but Jer looked at her his eyebrow raised.

"I don't care about you, bitch. It's just the doctor in me speaking," he said, which made me smile. "Next time, you shouldn't lie to me about the fact June forgot about me and never asked a thing about me."

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