Part 19: Weakness

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The next morning 

I woke up at 5 this morning, and I couldn't return to sleep. I had a terrible night because of that nightmare I had about my dad. Honestly, I can't even imagine a world without him. He is my world. When Julian died, he was the only who succeded in remplacing my brother. What am I going to do without both of them ? What about my mom ? She's going to lose the love of her life... Thinking about this brang tears in my eyes. It's horrible to know that you're going to lose one of your parent, no matter what you do. 

"Hey there" 

Michael. I totally forgot that he was in bed with me. 

"Hey Sleepyhead" I said, with a light smile. "Go back to sleep, it's only 5."

"You should go back to sleep too, June. You must be exhausted." he said with concern in his voice. "Come here"

Michael pulled me into his arms, wrapping them around my waist. It gave me goosebumps, like evertime this man touches me. It made me forget about my situation for a few minutes. 

"Thank you" I whispered. 

"For what ?" asked Michael in my ear. 

"For everything. For being there, for being supportive, for being... You."

"I care about you, June. Like really. I don't like this situation, I don't like to see you this way... You're normally so full of life..."

"My father is my other half, if I lose him, I'm afraid I won't be the same. I can't imagine my world without my other half."

"Let me be your other half, then" Michael said, placing a kiss in my neck. 

I turned over to meet his eyes. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I wanna be the one you tell eveything to, the one you feel comfortable with, the one who can cheer you up when you-..."

I couldn't help it and kissed his lips. My heart began to beat faster. I placed my right hand on the side of his face. He kissed me back. He really did. Maybe he did not want to be rude. Why did I do this ?

"I-I'm sorry..." I apologized. 

Michael's point of view

"You don't have to be sorry about anything, June." I said, faking a smile. 

I can't believe she did that. I wanted to do it the very first time we met. She is so beautiful, and so loving. I really like her, but now I regret not to have told her sooner. I can't tell her now, it's not the right moment, her father's dying. I'm afraid she thinks I'm taking advantage of her because she's weak. I can't let her think this. No way... I'll tell her how I feel soon, but definitely not now. God, I wish I could kiss her again, her lips are so soft. Maybe she knows what I'm feeling for her, after what I said earlier. Everthing I said was the honest truth. I wanna be her other half, the one she talks to when she's feeling bad, her shoulder on which she can rely on. I want her

"I guess I needed that..." she told me, not making eye contact with me. 

I lifted her chin up, and looked deep in her eyes. 

"It's ok girl, nothing weird here." I hugged her very tightly. "Try to go back to sleep now." I placed a light kiss on her forehead, and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

God, I love having her in my arms. I could stay there for ever. 

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