Chapter 38

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Complete radio silence. Two weeks had passed and there was nothing. No texts, no calls, not even anything on the media.

I felt alone.

At least I was performing again. It felt nice to have that momentary memory lapse. A breath of fresh air without all the smog. But walking down the step brought me back to reality. And it would all come flooding back. The look of nothingness in his eyes. And it would break me all over again.

My eyes glazed over as I walked to the bar. Jess was stood behind the bar, temporarily for the weekend. The Rose Room in Boston wasn't doing too well, business wasn't too popular. Jess and I needed a win, and New York is where we won. "How you doing?" I asked Jess.

"Great, it's super packed, we needed this!" she breathed out in relief, continuing with the drinks she was making. "What can I get ya sugar" she called out to me.

"Tequila!" someone shouted from behind me, I turned around and saw Scott. A shriek left my mouth as I launched myself at him. "Lots and lots of tequila stat" he added.

"Scott!" I gasped out, "What are you doing here!"

"I'm here for my girl, and plus I've got a meeting here which is also very handy" I grabbed a hold of him again, pulling him into an embrace. "Seems like someone is happy to see me"

"I've missed you" I smiled, finally pulling away from him. My hear panged slightly, Scott's face being so similar to the one I wanted to ignore.

"He's a mess Liv" Scott admitted, I shook my head, wanting to ignore what he was saying. "I know it's difficult but he is really bad Liv"

"Two shots of tequila!" Jess called out, slamming the two shot glasses down. I quickly snatched them both up, throwing them both back. The alcohol burning my throat as I took the lime and put it between my lips, sucking out the sour juice.

"Another round" I shouted back to Jess as she looked at me in astonishment. She took the shot glasses and filled them up, passing them back. And again, before Scott could even reach for the glass I took them both again.

About an hour later, I was significantly drunk, my hands waving in the air like a maniac. I stumbled back to the bar. "Ooouuu Jessieee, more tequila please m'lady"

"No your done, your cut off" She stated.

"What! No!" I protested, my words sounding a lot more slurred than intended. An equally drunk Scott appeared behind me, almost crashing into me and taking us both down.

"Right we need to get you two home!" she sighs. She walked over to Luke one of the other bartenders and got out from behind the bar via the gate.

She hooked her arm through mine and led me out the back door, Scott shortly following behind.

I don't remember getting back to my apartment, but here Scott and I were. Jess had to rush back to the rose room but we still carried on the party. I decided that it was the best idea in the whole entire world to blast out some Beyoncé, making both Scott and I go mental. After listening to queen bey for a bit I decided that it would be an even better idea to call the one person who was the reason I felt this shitty in the first place.

Scott had passed out on the sofa, so I snuck not so secretly into the kitchen out of earshot and scrolled through my contacts till I reached that one name. I clicked on the call button quickly, before my liquid courage faded away. After a few short rings the line connected.

"Liv?" Chris questioned groggily, sounding like he had just woken up.

"You did it again Chris. You fucked up again. You hurt me again" I barked out.

"Liv-" he began to say but I interjected.

"You know what, I don't even know why I'm surprised-" I slurred before a nauseous feeling sprouted in my stomach, "You keep hurting me" I sobbed out, far too drunk to be having that conversation.

"How much have you had to drink?" He quizzed

"Nothing. Stop changing the subject! I love you and you keep breaking me. Breaking me like a fucking biscuit Chris!" I continued to sob.
" I need you to love me back. Let me in because all you ever do is push me out and hurt me!"
The other end of the line is completely silent, I hear muffled sobs, sending me over the edge. I completely broke down. I don't know if it was the tequila or the fact I refused to address the situation but I cried till my voice was hoarse.

I must of passed out for a couple of minutes. Loud banging at the door woke me up. I glanced at my phone 2:54am. Who the fuck is at the door at this time. Still feeling drunk, and now paranoid, I grab onto an umbrella by the door and gripped onto it. I cautiously opened the door and my heart dropped. Tears welled up into pools in my eyes and I completely fell apart, collapsing onto my knees.

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