Chapter 31

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As soon as we stepped in the door, excited squeals erupted from the living room. We were tackled by hyper children, grasping onto our ankles in excitement. I giggled as I watched Chris' desperate attempts to stay upright and not drop all of the presents. Walking through the house into the living room at Lisa's screamed Christmas. I'm pretty sure they based movies on the way this house looked. It was truly magical. Christmas carols softly played in the background. Dad and Jess followed us through the house. Carly had managed to tame her children and pry them off of Chris legs for long enough so that he could sit down and set the presents down. I walked over to Lisa who was perched on the arm of the sofa and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas sweetie" she smiled.

"Uncle Chris, Auntie Liv!" the kids chanted. My heart skipped fluttered at the name, this was the first time they had ever called me that and it filled me with pure joy. I looked over at Chris who had the smuggest grin across his face. I'd assumed that he had taught them to call me that. I turned my attention towards them, sitting down next to him and gave out the presents. They each took their turn and watched each other open their presents. Expressing joy and excitement if anyone received a gift they liked. Dad, Jess and I had already exchanged presents with each other earlier this morning. I was too wrapped up in everyone else's excitement over their presents that I hadn't actually opened my own. I got a mug and a clothing voucher from Carly, a karma sutra book from Shanna which I had to hide before either my dad or the kids saw, Lisa had knitted me a jumper and a cute little candle. When it finally came down to Chris, he handed me several boxes and sat there scratching the back of his neck excitedly. His terrible attempt at wrapping made us all laugh. It took me a good few minutes to get through the thick layers of tape. In the first box there was a cute little disposable camera with butterflies scattered across it. The next box contained a beautiful gold necklace with a single jade pendant on it. Inside the final box was an envelope, after breaking the seal the envelop contained two tickets. Once I'd read them carefully it soon kicked in what they were. I squealed in excitement and threw myself at Chris, bombarding him with kisses.

"Your taking me to Disneyworld!" I cried out in disbelief. He took a hold of my chin and guided my lips to his.

"Merry Christmas my love" he whispered.

~ Sorry that it took me so long to update but I promise the next chapter will be out soon!!!~

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