Chapter 7

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I have never wanted to curl up into a ball and hide more in my life. What the fuck was I thinking? I practically volunteered myself to see him again. Pull yourself together woman. It had been about 30 minutes since they left my apartment and I was still in the same shocked state as when I saw Chris in my kitchen. We had agreed to meet at The Rose Room at 3:30 giving me at least three hours to look presentable. Finally being able to move from the same kitchen seat I had been sat in for the past two hours, I stood up and made myself useful by going to get in the shower.

As I waited for the water to heat up, I noticed my reflection in the mirror. My gorgeous curls from last night had disappeared, my natural frizzy curls making an appearance. Mascara residue was smudged under my eyes, making the deep purple bags look even worse than normal. Jesus, this is what he saw me like? The water was up to the scorching temperature I loved and I climbed into the shower, letting the water wash over me. 'I've missed you' kept replaying over and over in my head.

Quickly snapped out of my daydream, I heard an incoming call on my phone. I jumped out the shower, the bathroom thick with steam. Wrapping my towel around my wet body, I dashed out into the living room where I last recalled having my phone.


                      SCOTT EVANS

Accepting the call, Scott's pretty little face appeared on my screen. "Hey" he smiled, looking very hungover.

"hi" I smiled back sympathetically.

"what you up to today?"

"not much, Seb and Chris are stopping by to watch me practice" I replied without much thought. I soon regretted my words when Scott's eyebrows raised and he cocked his head disapprovingly.

"Chris? Would this Chris be related to me in anyway?"

"maybe" I muttered, knowing that I was about to catch an earful from him, "he was at the opening last night"

"I know. I saw him. Are you okay?" Scott knew about everything that had happened, although Chris was his brother and he loved him, he still remained angry at him for how he treated me.

"Fantastic" I put on a massive fake grin.

"Mhm" Scott nodded disapprovingly "Did you talk?"

"he was in my kitchen this morning" I replied sheepishly.

"YOU SLEPT TOGETHER!?" his sudden outburst made me jump in my seat.

"What! No, no, no. Seb brought him over this morning. Clearly Chris hasn't said anything to him"

"Christ you almost gave me a heart attack. you gotta open with that next time!" Scott clutched his chest, letting out a big sigh.

"You know what. I think it's time we have a trio reunion. Please come later on? I really need you" I raised my eyebrows ever so slightly, creating a puppy-dog eye effect which I knew Scott couldn't resist.

"Fine. I'll come pick you up though, we are going together" He rolled his eyes. I blew him a kiss before the line went dead. I spent the rest of the morning clearing up my apartment, I knew that if I didn't dad would do it for me while I was out.


Standing in front of my wardrobe, I had a realisation that I actually need to look hot. Summer weather was beginning to take over NY, which meant one thing... summer clothes. My worst nightmare. Even though I was more happy with my appearance than I have been before, I never go rid of the feeling that I looked disgusting. My stomach bulging over the top of my shorts, my thighs sweating and looking too big. It just made me want too peel my skin off. I was a bit bigger when I was younger, not quite overweight but not the stick-thin figure that was the beauty standard in high school. As I grew older I lost weight, and although I still had my curves, I was more happy with my appearance. But everyone has bad days, and spending the day with the man who broke your heard classifies as a bad day. A knock at the door interrupted me prodding and poking my body in the mirror. Slipping on a silk dressing gown I climb down the ladder and open the door.

"Hi Scott" I smiled, turning around and letting him in. He shut the door behind me.

"I figured you would be having a fashion crisis, so I came over early. I love your apartment by the way!" His eyes wandered around. "come on chop chop"

"Up here" I pointed towards the ladder, indicating him to go him. He did and I followed shortly after. Flicking through the racks of clothing in my wardrobe he pulled out a pale green tank ruched bodycon dress which came up to mid-thigh.

"this would look hot!" he grinned, very pleased with himself "you know Chris is an ass man and honey you have an ass

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"this would look hot!" he grinned, very pleased with himself "you know Chris is an ass man and honey you have an ass." I rolled my eyes at him and took the dress off him. Scott waited downstairs whilst I got dressed. I paired the dress with some simplistic gold hoop earrings for my lobes and a few other delicate gold earrings for my other piercings. A thin gold necklace with a cubic zirconium pendent and a few rings decorated my neck and hands. I did simple makeup, mainly bronzer, concealer, mascara and eyeliner as I would probably sweat it off by the end of today, fortunately I inherited my mums gorgeous naturally thick eyebrows meaning I don't really have to do much with them. I'd let my hair dry from the shower, so my mahogany brown curls were on full display, thankfully the serum I used reduced the frizz down by a fraction.

It was 3pm by the time we left. The New York humidity completely reversed the serum and I'm pretty sure I looked a sweaty mess by the time we arrived.

Chris POV

Seb and I had arrived a few minutes earlier than we had agreed. I felt bad for intruding at breakfast but it was great seeing her again. Even in her old foo fighters t-shirt ,which I'd given her back in the day, she was completely and utterly beautiful. She had always been that way, even when it was pouring and we'd decided to have a mud fight. With her hair soaking and her clothes clinging to her from wetness, mud dripping from the end of her nose, she was insanely beautiful. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed her since I saw her singing on that stage. It felt like old times, always wanting to be in her presence. Although I wasn't sure whether her and Sebastian were together, he had a key to her apartment and walked in like he lived there. They were very affectionate towards each other, but Seb hasn't said anything. I glanced down at my watch, 3:40. What if she was standing us up? What if she didn't want to see me? I mean she did scream she never wanted to see me again. She probably felt bad and didn't want to say no to my face, she was always too nice for her own good. Oh my god did she feel trapped to spend time with me? Panic arose in me, I was ready to up and leave. Seb was occupied talking to Jess, I could slip out. But then I heard that laugh. The most perfect laugh in the world. Stumbling down the stairs she appeared. Looking unreal, in a tight green dress revealing her gorgeous figure, the colour almost matched her eyes, that's the thing I loved most about her.

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