Chapter 26

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~ surprise! two chapters in one day! didn't want to leave you guys hanging, or lose the idea of what I was going to write in this chapter. it not a very long chapter but it means that you are not stuck on a cliff hanger. enjoy my babies xxx~ Warning mentions of miscarriage

Bleeping, quick footsteps, anxious voices. My heavy eyes slowly blinked open, only to be scolded by the bright lights above me. My mouth drier than a desert and my throat throbbing in pain. The feeling of numbness throughout my whole body. My eyelids drooped down, as I was unable to keep the strength to keep them open. A loud consistent beep filled my eardrums before everything went very quiet again.

"I'm here baby. I love you. Please come back to me" A voice pleaded, Chris. I could hear his quiet sobs, and his large hands desperately holding onto mine, but I couldn't move. I wanted to leap out and cling to him but my body wouldn't budge an inch. My eyelids felt way to heavy to even attempt to open. All I could do was stay and listen to the painful cries of the man I loved.

This went on for several days. I would hear the chatter of people, some voices of those I recognised, some I didn't. But Chris voice is the one I heard the most. His beautiful, beautiful voice, soothing me. Almost making me being imprisoned in my own body slightly more bearable. I could even hear my Dad's voice sometimes, maybe once or twice a day. I'm not sure, the days all seem to merge into one, or I could just be drifting in and out of consciousness. From what I hear, from who I presume the doctor, I had an severe miscarriage, and something about sepsis but I'm not entirely sure. All I could feel was this overwhelming sense of guilt in my stomach, about everything. Guilty about how me and Chris left things, about my body not letting me wake up, about this miscarried baby, the fact I didn't even know I was pregnant in the first place.


My eyes opened. I wasn't sure if this was a dream or real life. All the dreams I had recently were extremely spacy. I didn't have any idea of reality whatsoever at the moment. Unable to move my extremely stiff neck, I was able to glance out the corner of my eye. A blurred image of Chris hunched over a chair became visible. It was a rather comical sight, a huge man sat on a tiny chair. Some feeling returned to my hands and I was able to move my fingertips, which managed to grasp his attention.

"Olivia!" He let out a breathy sigh, and grabbed my hand, pulling it to his chest as he placed a kiss on my palm. "Are you okay? Do you want me to call a doctor?" a worried expression plastered his face. He looked exhausted, dark purply bags under his eyes, pale.

"Water" I whispered, smiling as much as my face was willing to let me. Chris nodded and reached over to the table and took the cup of water off it, gently placing it to my lips. The cool liquid instantly soothed my burning throat and dry mouth. "Thank you".

Before Chris could reply a woman in crisp navy scrubs and a white overall coat walked in. Her curly hair was scraped back into a low bun and she wore a warm smile. "Hello Miss Rose, nice to see you awake" her voice had a soft Indian accent "I'm Dr. Kumar, I'm guessing your a bit confused on what's happened to you?" I nodded a response and she gave a knowing smile. I listened deeply as she explained all the technical stuff of my miscarriage, and from some unlucky chance managed to develop sepsis, which could of gone a lot worse than it did. Luckily they rushed me into surgery as soon as I got there and managed to get it all under control, I was unconscious for a few days but my vitals improved over those days and they hope that I'm able to make a full recovery. I held onto Chris hand tightly as they explained my miscarriage. An overwhelming sadness enveloped me as I mourned the loss of our baby, our baby who I didn't even get a chance to connect with. Dr. Kumar reassured us that it didn't effect my fertility and that it happens to many women and its likely that it would happen to me again. All I wanted to do was sleep, every fibre in my body ached.

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