Chapter 1

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The sun danced through the gap in my curtains, I groaned as my eyes squinted open, my head pounding. "I am never ever. ever. drinking again" Jess grumbled from beside me. I rolled over to face my best friend. Looking at the extremely hungover girl beside me, her make up smeared all over her face.

"You were properly projectile vomiting, possession style. The only thing missing was a cross, if we'd had that we would of recreated the exorcism" I giggled. She half-heartedly slapped my arm before slowly blinking her eyes open. "Your breath stinks of shit babe" I patted her head before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Stumbling around I managed to find an old oversized hoodie and slipped it over my body, before carefully climbing down the ladder which led to the bottom part of my apartment.

As soon as I'd turned 21 I had access to the money my mum left me, she said in the letter that she wanted it to be put towards my dream future. I of course used that money on my dream destination, New York. Dad helped me pick out an apartment. It was the 5th apartment that we had viewed and I swear I heard my name being called as soon as I stepped in. It was rustic and spacious, brick walls down stairs and a black ladder which led up to the 'second floor'. After purchasing it I painted the kitchen cabinets an emerald green, which reminded my of Gatsby. There weren't necessarily walls in the downstairs part, the rooms sort of merged into one. My living room I kept the rustic brick walls and decorated with green plants and a green sofa, which was against the wall with windows. My room however was my most favourite part. It had low-ish ceilings, so if you were over 6"ft it was likely that you would hit your head. My walls were covered in pictures I had taken with my film camera majority of New York, including a few of the many other places i'd been. However my absolute favourite was a picture I hadn't actually taken myself. It was of me and Chris, I was roughly 15. Our faces covered in spots. We both had the biggest shit-eating grins on our faces, it was taken by Carly just before we through water balloons at Scott.

I was greeted by the smell of bacon cooking in my kitchen. "Sebastian you beautiful man" I gasped as he handed me a mug of tea "don't get me wrong I still hate you for dragging us out last night" to which he responded with a small chuckle. I had met Seb a few weeks after i'd moved to New York, he was filming Gossip Girl. He bumped into me and made me spill a strawberry milkshake all over me, which I was not too happy about. After buying me another one we pretty much became inseparable since.

"Did you tell Jess about her exorcist performance last night?" Seb grinned as he flipped the bacon over. I sat myself down on the stool at my kitchen table, taking a sip of my tea.

"Of course I did" I replied, just as I was about to say something else I heard groaning come from behind me followed by a shouting Jess.

"I am going to kill you Seb! just as soon as my insides stop rotting" she grimaced. She took a seat next to me, instantly propping her head up with her arm which rested on the table. Glancing up at the large clock which hung on the wall I leaped up.

"Shit. I still have so much to set up at the club" quickly I ran over to the ladder, climbing up and getting changed in record timing. Climbing back down the ladder I rushed over to the giant mirror placed by my front door. Smoothing my jeans and white top out before throwing my curly mess of hair up into a messy bun. I threw on a cardigan and a pair of white converse. Running into the kitchen I grabbed my bag containing my keys and phone. Rushing out the front door before the two i'd left in my kitchen could say anything.

The Rose Room was due to open by the end of the month, just in time for the summer. It was a little project that me and Jess were doing. Her dream was to always own a speakeasy and mine to sing and have my photographs in places. So eventually after a long time of discussing this we decided to open a place of out own. The place which we managed to rent, not wanting to buy it until it was up and buzzing, was perfect. It was a little underground place, dark and very gloomy, very speakeasy, there were these steps which also lead up to a balcony. Jess had discovered this vintage furniture company which had loads of original pieces, including deep red velvet booths. The colour was almost a deep rose red, hence the name. Today was the day in which the bar was supposed to be fitted.

Stepping out into the hustling streets of New York, I began to walk towards our little joint. It was typical New York spring time weather, gorgeously sunny but with a slight breeze washing over you. My absolute favourite time of year.

Eventually after walking about ten blocks I made it to the building. I was late and the builders where growing extremely agitated. Using my best charming skills I managed to calm them down from wanting to charge extra. I guided them down the steps, leading them to the area where the bar was going to be. The velvet booths were covered in dust sheets in order to keep them protected. A small semicircle stage had been placed at the far wall of the room. As I looked at it a huge smile spread across my face, in just over a month I will be stood there singing at the opening of our bar. Excitement washed over me, which soon was replaced by sheer panic, we only had just over a month. How the fuck are we gonna get all this done in that time? I was snapped out of my thoughts by the loud drilling which had began to take place. Glancing over at the builders who had began to drill the shelves in which the liquor bottles were going to sit.

I heard the familiar ringtone of my phone in my bag. Jess and I had set special ringtones for each other so we new if we needed to pick up of just ignore the call.

"Olivia Rose, do not forget about meeting me at the printers shop at 1. We gotta get these invites out soon." She called out through the phone, obviously feeling much better than how I left her.

"I would never forget" I clenched my jaw as the recognition of being told about this washed over me. Shit I need to learn to write stuff down. I guess I will have to fit in buying a dress for the night another time.

"I know you forgot about it! That's why I called you to confirm" I almost see her 'I told you so' expression through the phone.

"yeah, yeah, your right" I rolled my eyes, raising my hand to my mouth and nibbling on my nails. I looked back down and sighed at the sore excuse for nails. "is Seb still there?" I asked.

"No he left about 10 minutes ago" just before I could reply to her I felt my phone buzz as another call came in. Pulling my phone away from my ear I glanced down to see who was calling SEBBY flashed across my screen.

"speaking of the devil, he's calling me. I'll see you later"

"at the printers!" Jess exclaimed before I hung up to call Sebastian back.

A few short rings purred in my ear before he picked up. "Ah Mr Stan to what do I owe the pleasure" I shot sarcastically, knowing that he was probably going to tell me off for not eating this morning.

"Hello my darling" Seb replied in his god-awful British accent "Jess was telling me that your sending out the invites for the opening, I was wondering if I could have a plus 2?" he asked hesitantly.

"Bringing some arm candy are we?"

"No! some buddies of mine are in town seeking my entertainment so I have to perform my duties so I wanted to bring them along to my favourite girls bar opening."

"if you must" I replied, letting out a deep sigh.

"thank you dear!" he cheered before hanging up, cutting the line dead.

The time on my phone read 10:39 meaning I had enough time to add some additional touches to the balcony before heading over to the printing shop.

~ hey guys, how do you like it so far? I promise Chris will come in soon. enjoy xx~

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