Chapter 16

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My head lightly pounded as I awoke from a deep sleep. Slightly hungover, I made my way downstairs into the kitchen seeking water and a huge cup of coffee. I could hear my dad and Jess chatting away as I entered the kitchen. Something that I admired about my dad is his ability to not feel hungover, no matter how much he has had to drink. "You look a bit rough babe" Jess acknowledged as I took the seat at the breakfast bar beside her.

"Thank you" I shot back sarcastically, my dad chuckled lightly before handing me the mug of coffee I craved so deeply. "You know, I woke up thinking I had this awful dream that the whole Evans family is coming over. But then I remembered you actually invited them over. Even better, its the same day my boyfriend is coming to meet you"

Before my dad could reply, the doorbell went off, distracting us all. "Ha, saved by the bell" dad answered before quickly running toward the door. As the door opened, I could hear the soft voice of my favourite old lady.

"Edna!" I called out before jumping off my seat and running to greet her. She enveloped me with her open arms, her usual smell of violets filling my nose.

"I missed you sweetie!" she squeezed me tighter before pushing me out with her hands on either sides of my arms to get a better look at me, "You just get more and more beautiful every time I see you!" I lowered my head bashfully before she cupped my face with her hands and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It didn't take long for Jess to run out after hearing all the commotion, practically pushing me out the way to get to the sweet old lady standing in front of me.

We moved the little reunion party into the kitchen as she nagged my dad for not offering her a tea, making Jess and I burst out into a fit of giggles. All of us listened to Edna, hanging on her every word as she spoke about all the gossip that occurred whist we were out of town. "You would not believe who just had a baby!" she gasped.

"Who?" I clapped my hands together excitedly, waiting for her reply.

"Erica Fisher!" she chuckled as my jaw dropped open. Erica was the notorious mean girl, the one that is in every teen movie, the one that made me cry on multiple occasions. Jess, who obviously knew who she was through my accounts of her, began laughing so hard tears were forming in her eyes. Edna carried on filling us in on all the gossip relating to that as me and Jess continued to exchange looks of shock.


After Edna left I hopped into the shower quickly, wanting to freshen myself up before Aaron arrived. The hot water managed to rinse off any ounce of hungoverness that still lingered. Once I'd gotten out I wrapped a towel around me to walk into my old room. I stared at my suitcase full of clothes, completely frozen on what to wear. Massachusetts autumns were always colder than New Yorks. It was much prettier though. Different shades of leaves dusted around the streets, creating an orange wonderland. In the end I decided on an off the shoulder maroon knitted jumper along with a pair of black jeans. Leaving my hair to dry naturally, I also added a light layer of makeup to my face and stacked gold rings on my fingers along with gold earrings and a pendant necklace.

Jess flung the door open and jumped onto my bed, watching me get ready. "Your ass looks phenomenal darling" she complimented, attempting to put on her best English accent.

"Thanks sweetheart" I replied, attempting to mimic her New Jersey accent.

About an hour later a yellow taxi pulled up outside, Aaron getting out before paying the driver. I opened the door before he managed to reach it. Holding his duffel bag over his shoulder, he leant down to peck me on the lips before I opened the door wider letting him inside. Jess had already met him obviously, she nodded in his direction before my dad walked into the hallway. "Hi Mr Rose, nice to meet you" Aaron smiled, holding his hand out to him.

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