Chapter 37

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6 months later...

"This is the second time this week Chris!" I screamed. The second time this week he went completely off the grid and came home at a stupid hour, drunk out of his mind. But this time, it was the night of our opening of our second location. Once Jess and I received financial confirmation that we were able to open a second location, that was it. We both got in the car and drove straight down to Boston scouting for other places. We found somewhere with a similar set up to New York and put a deposit down. The next four months consisted of ongoing construction, building up a guestlist, praying that it would work. And on the night of the opening Chris went m.i.a.

"Sorry, Mom!" Chris yelled back.

"I cannot believe you" I exhaled, "I know it's been difficult the past few months but the one night, one night! I needed you to show up and you couldn't do that." He opened his mouth to say something but I quickly cut him off. "Do you even know why we chose Boston? To be closer to you and my dad"

"Well I didn't ask you to do that did I?" he snapped back, and I just stood there in shock. Tears forming in my eyes, which I quickly began to blink away not wanting to show any weakness in that exact moment.

"You know what? I don't care, do what you want! I'm going back to New York" I replied, turning my back to him and leaving the kitchen our screaming match took place.

"Liv!" Chris called out, but I ignored him. I swept away the tear that make an escape and began packing my things from his room. I could hear his heavy footsteps starting to go up the stairs but stopping, and going back down.

I shoved as much as I could into my suitcase as possible before rushing down the stairs and opening the front door. "Liv!" he called out again, his voice sounded slurred. I shut the door behind me, got in the rental car I hired to bring all my stuff up here and finally allowed myself to break down into tears.

I figured it would be safer to just drive over to my dads rather than embark on a 3 hour journey back to New York at this time of night and in this state. I phoned dad to pre-warn him about my drop in.

I pulled up to the driveway. Got out. Rung the doorbell. Dad opened the door and I burst out into tears. He pulled me into a hug and lead me inside. Making me a tea, not asking too many questions and sent me to bed, telling me that we can talk about it in the morning.

About half an hour later I heard the doorbell ring again and my dad answered. I could hear the hushed tone of two male voices. The began to get louder and louder, but I still couldn't hear what was being said, nor did I want to. I'd figured that it was Chris, I prayed he got a taxi and didn't drive drunk.

After 20 minutes I saw the headlights of a car seep through my window, I peeked outside and saw my dad's car leaving the driveway, with what I could make out, my dad driving and Chris in the passenger seat.

The next morning consisted of awkward eye-contact. Neither me or my dad knowing how to start the conversation. "Hes a fucking prick sometimes, doesn't know when to get his head out of his arse" he muttered, and I burst out laughing. Tears began streaming down my cheeks and I reached the point that I no longer knew if I was laughing or crying.

"I think maybe I should take some time in New York, figure things out, let him figure things out and then go from there" I replied once I had finally caught my breath.

"I think thats a good idea poppet" he nodded.

We had breakfast together said a long goodbye then I was back on the road. I phoned Jess letting her know what had happened. She was furious and decided that she would stay in Boston whilst I continue at New York for a while.

~ sorry its a short chapter today my loves xx~

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