Levi (and Aryia) EXPOSED - Lie Detector Edition

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Hi everyone! This week's imagine is a funny story that I came up with with my bestie evelync1313! It's a bit fluffy but it's got a lot of humor to it too! I hope you all enjoy! 😄

Summary: Kévin does a lie detector test with Levi (yours and Aryia's son), but it seems to reveal more secrets than he wants to know

Warnings: Dirty Pick-Up-Line, Sexual Implications


It was another ordinary day at the KRAC House. Reggie as streaming on Twitch, Cassie was out walking Myla, Aryia was eating lunch in the kitchen and Kévin and Levi were watching TV in the living room. At least... that's what you thought your baby boy was doing with his uncle Kévin.

"What're you guys up to?" You asked the YouTuber as you walked into the living room, having just finished organizing your wardrobe.

"Oh, nothing much, just filming a video."

"What video?" You pried deeper, curious as to why Kévin was on his laptop with Levi - hoping that they weren't watching something too inappropriate for a four-year-old.

"A lie detector video!" Levi piped up.

In that moment, you went into full-on protective mother mode. "I will not have my son hooked up to a machine like some sort of lab rat!"

Hearing the commotion, your boyfriend emerged from the kitchen while stuffing his face, with the bowl of cereal he was carrying.

"What's going on?" He asked between bites, almond milk dripping down his chin.

"Kévin was about to hook Levi up to the lie detector!!" You informed Aryia in a panic, looking up at him as you took the pulse monitor off Levi's tiny fingers.

"Relax, Y/N. It's okay, I gave him permission."

"Yeah, but I don't want Levi to get hurt!"

"He's not gonna get hurt."

You felt tears welling up in your eyes. "But he's my baby and..." You cupped your hand up to Aryia's ear "what if he tells Kévin about something he might have seen or heard us doing and people take it the wrong way?"

Aryia's face went a bright red. "You have a point." He whispered back.

As Kévin continued to set up for his video, Aryia hurriedly slammed his bowl on the coffee table.

"On second thoughts Kévin, maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

"But- the video..."

"I'll film one with you later."

"Why're you so against the idea now, bro? You were all for it when I brought it up yesterday..."

"Just put it this way: I don't need people knowing what Y/N an I talk about or get up to when we're alone."

Kévin's eyes went wide as his face went red and Levi just sat, curiously watching the scene.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Aryia tried to explain. "Sometimes we just flirt and stuff and... and-"

"Levi walks in on you?" He pointed at Levi who was picking up different parts of the lie detector to see what they would do.

Aryia mentally facepalmed in embarrassment and sighed as he looked at his son. "Yeah... He's troublesome... just like his mother..." The musician admitted, picking up his bowl of cereal and taking another bite from his spoon.

You looked up from where you were fluffing up the cushions on the other couch, a wild-looking glint in your eyes. "Aryia Emrani what did you just say about me?"

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