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Top 3 Best Boyfriends
1. Aether
2. M/N
3. Kazuha
(Venti is always drunk and Xiao is too busy and mentally unstable)

Top 3 Fastest Runners
1. Xiao
2. Kazuha
3. Aether
(M/N isn't fast enough, Venti can run too but not fast enough)

Top 3 Biggest Simp
1. Kazuha
2. Xiao
3. Venti
(Do I need explanation?)

Top 3 Best Cooker
1. Kazuha
2. M/N
3. Aether
(The Gordon Ramsay 2.0)

Top 3 has the longest Stamina
1. M/N
2. Xiao
3. Kazuha
(Aether gets tired very easily and Venti is too drunk)

Top 3 Smartest people
1. M/N
2. Kazuha
3. Venti
(It's Canon that Venti is smart in the game. Xiao is not that smart enough since he immediately believed that rex lapis is dead)

Top 3 Best fighters
1. Aether
2. Xiao
3. Kazuha
(M/N isn't included here since he doesn't really need to do it when he has someone to do it for him, Same with Venti)

Top 3 Most Popular in Social Media
1. Geshou
2. Xiao
3. Venti
(Aether is rarely online on Twitter and Kazuha didn't even bother making his own account)

Top 3 Most Reliable People
1. M/N
2. Xiao
3. ???
(M/N is very responsible person and Xiao too but he'll hesitate for a moment. Aether will snitch on you, Venti will probably forget about it since he's drunk and Kazuha probably ignore you because your not M/N)

Top 3 Best Singers
1. M/N
2. Venti
3. Aether
(Kazuha is more concentrated to the dance more than the song. Xiao can sing but he doesn't know how to sing a high note unlike those 3.)

Top 3 Best Dancers
1. Kazuha
2. Aether
3. Venti
(M/N is struggling to dance because he always forgets his dance steps sometimes and Xiao also doesn't dance very well since he's concentrated at his rapping)

Top 3 Most happiest People
1. Aether
2. Kazuha
3. Venti
(Xiao is happy but only because M/N is with him. M/N is still feeling responsible of the death of his friend and thinks it's his fault)

Top 3 Most Rich People
1. M/N
2. Aether
3. Xiao
(Kazuha is Rich too but not Rich enough like those 3. Venti is broke because he always spends his money on wine and beer.)

Top 3 Best Husbands
1. Aether
2. M/N
3. Kazuha
(M/N is a malewife- Xiao doesn't even know how to cook breakfast, lunch, Dinner but at least he knows how to clean the house. Venti would probably spend his time on the bar than be with his wife or husband)

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