PART --9 . 2

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Author Pov

You looked at the honey wax container . You smiled and picked it up , you turned to look at Jin who was wiping his body.
" Jin!!.... Can you put it on your leg? " You asked showing the container.

" No!! " He told bluntly, you sighted .
" Please Jin once " You told holding his arm making puppy eyes. He looked a you and sighted
" I said NO! " He told sternly. You made a sad pout and looked at him in ultra pro max puppy eyes.
He looked at you not being able to refuse you.

He nodded a little as you jumped once in excitement.
" Why don't you put it? " He asked.
" I would.... But I shaved my legs yesterday itself. " You told and he sighted not getting any other option.

He sat down as you took the honey wax in the applier. He closed his eyes as he knows it is gonna pain so much.

After applying you looked at him and giggled getting excited to see his reaction.
" Ready Jin? " You asked holding the tip of the dried wax layer. He hummed looking at you getting nervous.

You giggled and held it tightly and ripped it as Jin flinched lightly but he didn't make any sound. You looked at him and you were suprised

" Are you ok Jin? " You asked, he nodded closing his eyes. You chuckled and turned around going out to dispose it. As soon as you went out

" FU*K.!!!..... " Jin shouted in pain. He quickly changed his expression when you came back inside.
" What happened.... Did you just scream? " You asked him getting worried. He shook his head
" Come " He told and held your wrist dragging you our of the room.

Time skip
At 6 in evening
Now you were in the balcony looking at the beautiful ocean smiling. The sun had set and it was giving you a very romantic mood.
Jin was inside and he was doing some work in his laptop. You sighted turning around going inside.

As you came you saw him focused on his laptop. You made a angry pout and sat beside him on the bed.
' He is seriously gonna work here?......Even after doing work the one whole month?....... I can't believe him........Stubborn!!..... And a very annoying person!!.....He dont even want to do something special?..... ' you thought in your mind as you sat beside him.
He looked at you and glared.

" Don't even dare to curse me!!. " He told in his normal cold tone. Your eyes widen
' did I tell it out loud? ' you asked yourself in your mind looking at him in widen eyes.

" Yes!!!...... I heard you " he told making you gasp and cover your mouth. You backed away looking at him in shock . He looked at you and chuckled offing his laptop. He kept it aside

" Come here " He told pating his lap. You looked at him in shock and confusion. You didn't make a move making him angry
" Come here I told!! " He told in a stern tone . You flinched and quickly got up and went near him and sitting on his lap. He held your waist smiling as you looked down avoiding his stares.

He was observing your facial features very closely more likely staring at you .

You were leaning back as he was leaning front making his nose touch your cheeks. He was so close that you were pushing him a little from his shoulders. But he wasn't backing away. Your breathe was getting heavy as you turned your head to the side blushing harshly.

Jin chuckled lightly and brushed his lips towards your jaw and neck making a shiver run down your spine.

He bit your skin softly making you flinch in his arms. He backed away and looked at you who was biting your lips looking away, while your eyes were shut. He held your chin and made you looks the him. He pulled your lips out of your teeth.

KIM SEOKJIN --- COLD_R1Where stories live. Discover now