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Inspired by @dori_sketches DTIYS on Instagram.

Valentine's day fluff.
Adrien feels the all too familiar sting of loneliness despite his countless admirers. A late night patrol was needed to clear his head when he finds his lady in same predicament.


"People do crazy things when they're in love, Bugaboo. And I'd rather be crazy in love with you than have it any other way."


The only possible thing he could be happy about was that it was a weekend. Unfortunately, it wasn't good either because he needed some sort of distraction. Any kind of distraction, any form.

It had been a lonely Sunday. Extremely lonely. He'd concluded all his assignments long since Friday night. There was absolutely nothing to do. His father was extremely busy with the Valentine collection and he guessed Nathalie was too.

He looked through the window, there was a fairly nice view of the city from there. Couples everywhere, flowers and no doubt tons of chocolate and to top it off was the sun setting in a splay of colours making the atmosphere warm and romantic, well.... except he didn't feel any of that.

He felt agonizingly lonely. Most of his friends had dates and the only person he'd have guessed was free was Marinette. The thought of the bluenette was enough to bring a smile to his face but unfortunately his dad wouldn't let him go anywhere. He even asked if Marinette could come over but it was the same reply.

He sighed and dragged his feet lazily to his bed. He flopped down face flat on his bed. The unsettling feeling was twisting knots in his stomach. It was safe to say this year's Valentine was ultimately worse than the previous year. He groaned and buried his face even more into his bed.

"Those sounds you're interrupting my date." Adrien lifted his face to see the said black Kwami in question. He was caressing a large wheel of cheese as he purred lightly.

He couldn't help the chuckle that erupted from him. "Just quit trying to ruin my date because you don't have one." Plagg whined again before sinking his teeth into the soft goo. Adrien did not need to see that. "I think staying single is way better than having an edible girlfriend."

"Suit yourself." He scarfed down the rest of his cheese.

Adrien sighed and buried his face back into his bed. Plagg wanted to cheer him up but he was failing to, he didn't want to admit but he didn't like to see Adrien that way. He resolved to another plan when a light bulb lit over his head.

"By the way, have you checked your mail today? I'm sure there are a lot of letters there." He spoke up again but Adrien only let out a muffled reply of not being interested. "What if you got a letter from your mysterious soulmate?"

"What are you talking about?" Adrien sat upright on the bed, his curiousity aroused.

"You know, your mystery admirer." He flew into his drawer to receive the said heart-shaped card he'd gotten the previous year. The only letter that wasn't signed. Plagg dumped the letter on him.

He picked it up and smiled as he read through it for what would have been the hundredth time in the last year. He couldn't deny the effect the words had on him. Whoever she (hopefully not a he) was, she had a way with words. He put it down and a frown returned, "It doesn't matter, I'm in love with Ladybug."

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