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Forever part II

Well it wasn't.

It wasn't okay. Because it went on the whole week and even more. Adrien was all over Marinette, every second of the day, carrying her bag, walking her to every class, staring at her, spending every free time at her side.

Obviously Adrien wanted to kill her because they were currently in the library, studying together. On his insistence. Well she was studying, he was staring at her, asking her all the questions in the world. He wanted to know her to the location of every bone in her body.

She replied each time with a stutter, her cheeks dark red as he was invading all personal space. Would she seriously have a heart attack and just die cuz of a boy? Yes obviously. But deep down she didn't mind the proximity, she loved the scent that wafted from him.

But in all sincerity, it was now also the thing that worried her so much. She was having thoughts that she knew she wasn't supposed to have. But everyday it seemed like a clue laid bare before her trying to solidify her thought. Which she so badly did not want to be true.

"You know.." Adrien placed his hand on hers on the book and leaned closer. Was her brain shutting down? Yes, it was. "I get the feeling that you're uncomfortable around me." And he leaned even closer, never faltering his gaze from hers.

It felt like an eternity where his eyes bore into hers. Adrien losing the rest of his words as if her eyes trapped him in some trance. And then he leaned down even more, his eyes daring to stare down.

But then Marinette suddenly jerked up as realization clawed at her, shattering the beautiful moment and his heart along with it. She jumped up from the seat feeling hot and bothered, her cheeks flaming.

"Um...I just remembered that my bakery needed me, I mean, my mum wanted me to cream some flowers, no, I mean, draw flowers on cake, no, she needs me over right now." She squeaked a lot louder than she intended to. She awkwardly fished out her phone, "Oh look, she's already calling."

She put the phone to her ear, "Oh wow, mum, there's an avalanche? I'll be right there." She quickly packed up her books, "I better be going, bye." And she took to her heels, racing out of the library.

Adrien sighed and slumped lower on the chair. "I must have scared her away. Why do I have to be so..ugh.." He ran frustrated fingers through his face. He was expecting some kind of sarcastic reply from Plagg but opened his eyes when he got none.

And there stood in front of him, Alya and Nino looking a little too excited for him to feel safe. They sat down opposite him.

"So from the look on your face and a freaking out Marinette running downstairs, I assume there's no date yet." Alya casually said. Leaving Adrien's mouth hanging open and a blush creeping his cheeks.

"Date‽ What are you talking about? There's no date!" He waved his hands awkwardly.

Nino looked at him incredulously and Alya just raised a brow at him. After a beat of silence, Adrien sighed, "Is it that obvious?"

"You'll follow Marinette into the girl's bathroom if she doesn't stop you. If all of Paris doesn't know yet, then probably everyone here in school knows how to keep their mouth shut."

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as Alya spoke. He didn't think to the fact that people would actually notice his attachment to Marinette. Apparently, they all did. "Seriously dude, you need to get your obsession with Marinette under control."

"I'm not obsessed!" He protested and they gave him the look. He sighed again, "Okay maybe just a little."

He wouldn't really call it an obsession, his password was Marinette, and slowly his Ladybug shrine was replaced with a Marinette one till he had pictures of her everywhere, on the triple screen laptop, his wallpaper, his entire gallery and even in the most unlikely places. It was not his fault that Marinette was too incredible, he just couldn't stop thinking about her.

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