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Alternative ending to Stone Heart II


A sincere apology under the rain, the close of an umbrella and the pitter-patter of the raindrops creates something beautiful between the two teens.


Brushing his fingers against her flushed cheeks, he whispered, "I don't think I need up to 7 days."


The bell rung. Marinette gathered her books and stuffed them in her bag. The sky roared again and she jumped lightly. Just her luck. The downpour would be brutal and she didn't even carry an umbrella.

And here she thought Ladybugs were good luck. Well...it was barely 24 hours since she got her miraculous, might as well take longer for that good luck to rub on her.

Slow steps. She took slow steps towards the entrance of the school. The sky was already darkened as the clouds continued to pour heavily. She watched as other people got under their umbrellas heading home before it got any worse.

She just placed her hand out a bit to feel the pitter-patter against her hand before withdrawing her hand. She heard steps behind her but made no meaning to it. It was probably someone else on their way out so she didn't bother turning.

The blonde behind her was fidgeting. Nino's words replayed over and over again, strengthening his resolve.
"You should really tell Mar what really happened with the gum or at least apologize, she's a real great person."

Yeah, she obviously looked like a great girl.. person. Yeah, a great girl.... even when she was just scoffing and turning away from him in annoyance, that pout on her face still had him staring. Yeah she was definitely a great girl.

So he sucked it up and decided to act up and not stare at the back of her head like a creep. He took even slower steps as he walked closer to her till he was in front of her and he opened the umbrella over his head.

A comfortable position? Check. The words? Not quite planned for. Maybe he should've rehearsed.

She didn't even spare him a glance as she looked away. The wall was incredibly more interesting than his pretty stupid perfect face. "You finally finished staring?" Her voice still sounded like she was pissed. It rivalled the sweet sound he heard in between periods when she spoke with Alya. Or the giggles escaping her lips bwithin their breaks.

Okay, so he absolutely wasn't ready because his mouth opened but no words came out. "What do you want?" She sneered again. He gulped.

Yes....her side profile was worth staring at. But where the hell was his voice? And of course, the fact that her lips pursed together made her a million times more pretty was not anything he should be concerned with.


"You...uh..what?" She snapped turning to him. And definitely not the shiver he felt down to the knees when her bluebell eyes bore into his.Nope- He wasn't paying attention to that either.

He took a breath, he'd addressed bigger crowds before. But no- Marinette was not a crowd. She was one girl who probably hated him to pieces and probably will forever if he didn't just open his paralyzed lips.

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