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To Bits and Pieces part II

Finally getting herself together, she came stealthily out of the bathroom. Just then, she met Alya.

"Way to disappear forever. Kagami's been looking everywhere for you."

"You know Ladybug had to make an appearance." She explained and Alya nodded. "I think you should go find her, it seemed pretty serious." Marinette nodded and left to look for the dark haired girl.

"Marinette.." She turned to the sound of her name. Seems like Kagami had found her first. She was dancing with Adrien and she gulped painfully seeing them together but still walked over to them.

Kagami slid her hands off Adrien and removed his off her, "Thank goodness I found you, Marinette, I really need to go somewhere right now. Could you dance with Adrien for me?"

"What‽" Marinette was shocked and Adrien mirrored her expression too. "You..you want me to dance with him?" She could feel elephants dancing in her stomach, butterflies would be an understatement.

"Yup." Kagami guided Adrien's hand to Marinette's waist and positioned hers around his neck, "There. Perfect." 
Marinette's mouth was wide open in shock and she blushed at being so close to him. Damn her pounding heart, 5 seconds ago she was totally simping for Catnoir.

"Kay then. Dance away, you two, I'll be back in a bit." She smiled softly at their red cheeks and pushed them even closer. She had a smirk on her face as she walked away.

Adrien was sure he wasn't breathing, his heart was running miles and his brain was slowly malfunctioning. She was so close and she was taking his breath away. His chest burned even more as he took a whiff of her scent. Sweet scent of strawberries, cinnamon and a blend of vanilla. It clouded his senses.

"Sorry, you don't have to if you're not comfortable." He looked down at her and was immediately entranced by the sparkle in her eye. "N-No! I mean, no p-problem, it's cute- cool! Cool! I mean it's okay." Her cheeks were even darker matching his.

And there again with the stupid stutters, she internally groaned but her thoughts were cut short as he slid his hands further around her waist till she was completely pushed against his chest. She was almost wheezing but eventually rested into his warmth as they started swaying to the music.

"Five more slow songs." She requested taking the DJ by surprise.
"That's a lot." Alya who just approached Nino at the music stand responded, making Kagami look up at her.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to set up my best friend with your boyfriend." Alya joked and Kagami smiled. She turned around to where they danced in each other's embrace. "They're both so clueless, I'm sure we need more than 5 slow songs."

Nino and Alya's jaw dropped in shock. "Wait a minute! You ARE trying to set up my best friend with you boyfriend." She exclaimed in shock, "B..but...?"

"Let's be realistic. Neither fate nor destiny can come between them, I was no different." She shrugged casually surprising them even more. "I just need Adrien to realize his feelings for her and once he does that, I'll break up with him. But I've been trying for a while and nothing's worked."

"Well dudette, you've got extra help now." Nino reiterated and Alya nodded. "So...you guys up for Operation Adrienette?" Alya stuck out her fist to them.

"Ship names already?"

"Just bump my fist already."
They shared a fist bump and looked over to where they danced.

"You're right tho. Knowing them, five slow songs are definitely not enough."

"I might have an idea." Kagami pitched in.

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