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Crazy part II

She landed on the flattened top of the glassy dome. She looked around but he was no where in sight. "Where is that cat?" She muttered as there was no trace of him. She grumbled and caught the hint that he was trying to scare her.

"I know you're trying to scare me, it won't work. I swear you'd lose a rib if you try it." She looked but still no sign. Looking beneath her, there was a hatch. Maybe he'd already gotten there and gotten in, she thought. She opened it and jumped in, keeping her stance so she'd land rightly on her feet and not on her face.

It was dark except the moonlight escaping in through the glass. Still no sign of the cat. "Oh c'mon, it's not funny." She slowly walked, trying her best not to trip on anything. "Catnoir?"

"I swear if you..." And just on cue, she heard his light steps behind her. She bit back a smirk and once he was close enough, she jabbed him lightly with her elbow and threw him over her shoulder. He landed on the ground with a light thud.

"Too predictable." She huffed and he chuckled.

"How do you do that?" He groaned lightly, making no attempt to stand up. "I told you you'd lose a rib." She leaned forward, resting her hands on her knees to look at him. "I kinda lost two or probably more." He rubbed the spot and pouted.

"Never sneak up on me again." She giggled and crouched down to bop his nose. "I know that now."

He then lifted his other hand with a single flower in it, "Happy Valentine's day, M'lady."

"Why thank you, kitty." She took the flower from his hand and pulled him up with her free hand. She sniffed the flower, the sweet smell invading her nostrils, her nose twitched, and she let out a contingent sneeze.

He looked at her for a moment then chuckled. "Allergic to chrysanthemums?"

"No.." She brushed her fingers over her nose lightly, "I guess I was out long in the cold."

"Cuddle?" He opened out his arms gesturing her to come in but she scoffed playfully and walked past him. "You wish."

"A guy can dream." He sighed dreamily as he watched her smiling to himself. This is the closest he'd felt next to her in a long time and her flirting was about the most irresistible thing he'd ever seen. And here he thought the Dupain-Cheng's croissants were irresistible.

"These things are rare, how'd you get it?" She took a whiff of it's scent again.

"There's a whole room of flowers this way." He gestured her to follow him while he led.

"Cat, that's stealing, you don't pluck the flowers. We're already trespassing."

"Aww, is the little bug scared?" He cooed at her and she straightened her spine, scoffing lightly. "In your dreams."

He chuckled as she trailed behind him. She looked around as it became awfully silent, okay maybe she was a tad scared. A teensy weensy bit. She heard slight movement behind her and she screamed instinctively jumping towards Catnoir.

He easily caught her and she wrapped her legs around him.

"Okay, so you're not scared?" He teased and she hit his chest. "It's not funny, I thought I heard something." He burst out laughing and she pouted, hitting him again. A lot harder than the first time because he also lost his balance, falling backwards.

She shrieked as they toppled over each other till she was beneath and he was on top of her. They looked at the other for the first few seconds before simultaneously breaking into a fit of laughter.

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