Day 7 - Peppermint

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Marinette lay on her stomach, her legs stretched and her hands resting on the bed as she drew. Slowly dragging her pencil along the paper, she bit her lips, donning her full focus on the work she was creating.

She had an early dinner, early shower just so she could be ready for whenever Catnoir would come. It was already late evening and she was just waiting patiently. Waiting for that sweet sound of when he'd knock.

24 hours was a long time and missing him that much was only normal. So while waiting, she was drawing something that had been on her mind for a long time.

She smiled as she looked at the almost finished work. She took time to add the subtle details she'd only come to notice in a few days.

It was a little while longer and she was adding the finishing touches to the drawing when she heard the sound. Her eyes immediately darted up as three knocks followed after. Her smile widened. He was here.

She quickly folded the paper and hid it in her sketch book. Then she kneeled up to open the hatch.

Her whole demeanor softened as she saw the cheeky grin on his face, the soft nightlight highlighting the edges of his mask and the dark city making his eyes stand out. Unable to help herself, she pushed herself up high enough to reach him and wrapped her arms around him.

He chuckled, "I guess you missed me?" Although he had a sly smirk on his face when she pulled back and let him slide in, he was feeling hot at the fact that she missed him just as much as much as he'd missed her. He couldn't help but brew himself with pride.

"You can't imagine." Immediately the words left her lips, Catnoir dived in for another hug. His hands on her waist pulled her in closer and her buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Gosh, he'd been waiting to just get a whiff of her scent for 24 hours. Yet being embalmed in the scent was barely enough. Marinette giggled as he snuggled more into her neck, willing himself to get more of her.
"That tickles."

Finally pulling away, he put his hand to the side of her face, "I missed you so much too."

"That's good to hear." She smiled.

Somehow he let his fingers brush slightly against her chin as he took the time to stare at her. He needed to soak in her features. And that he did. "You know, I spent the whole day looking forward to when I see you."

A pink blush dotted her cheeks and she looked down, feeling bashful, "Really?"

"Yes..." He whispered breathlessly, "I always miss you when you're not around." His voice dropped a pitch that made her dare to hope he meant that in the way she was thinking.

She tried to brush it off with a small chuckle, "I'm not really that important, kitty." Her eyes looked everywhere but on him, as she felt more flustered than usual. There was just something more intense with the way he was looking at her.

Moving his hand further, he brushed her bangs away and then lifted her chin to meet her gaze properly. "You are to me. You're special to me."

She didn't reply, she just stared up at him. For the next minute, the rest of the world was vague to her as she let her self dive into his inhuman and warmly stare. Then she tilted her head backwards.

The moment was immediately ruined when she heard her dad call out her name. She stiffened for a moment then immediately climbed off the bed. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

She quickly hurried out, not wanting her dad to come in to find Catnoir. When Catnoir was alone on her bed, he looked around and then repositioned himself to rest on the wall.

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