I'll wait till forever<°~Marichat~°>

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Requested by me

Marinette gets rejected by Adrien and leads to a turn of surprising events


"Each time my shoulder brushes yours, you'd feel it. Right here."


"I really really like you."

The moment the words left her lips, his head spun and he couldn't feel his legs.

Here he was, standing before her. Before her. And she was telling him that she likes him. She actually really liked him.

It was too good to be true. Too good to be true. How could someone so perfect see something likeable in him. In that moment, he wished to grab her in a kiss. Show everyone that she was his.

Her eyes were trained on the floor, a soft blush dusting her cheeks and she looked even more beautiful than ever. He reached forward to cup her cheeks but his hand hung in midair when he remembered.


He was in love with Ladybug.

He couldn't do this to her. He couldn't lead her on when he knew he couldn't give her his whole heart. Ladybug had the bigger part and it wasn't fair.

Marinette was pure, she had a heart of gold. She was too good for this world. No matter how much he wanted to selfish and reach out to her, he couldn't. His hands fell to his side and he hung his head. She deserved the world. Someone who would love her wholeheartedly and he wasn't that person.

She held her breath as his expression dropped, her mind drove into frenzy. How could she have been so stupid to do this? She shouldn't have listened to Alya. How could she imagine in a million years that Adrien would return her feelings? It was foolish.

"Marinette, I..."

Her feet moved back before she could stop them. "No, don't say anything. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have..." Her words caught in her throat as she fought to hold back her tears. "I need to....I need to go." She choked out and took to her heels before her feet were too numb to move.

"Marinette, wait!" He called after but his car pulled up in front of school before he could follow her. He couldn't let her go. He wanted to be selfish. The pained look in her eyes broke him and he wanted to kick himself for being the reason.

The gorilla grunted as he was about to run after her. The door opened and he sighed in defeat. As he took the first step, it all dawned on him.

He had lost her.

Ladybug never loved him back and she made it painfully clear. But Marinette was real, she likes him, he liked her back and he just screwed it. "You do realize..." Plagg started but Adrien sighed interrupting him. "I know, I'm an idiot." He choked out as he tried to hold back from tears.

His sadness easily morphed to anger. Anger to himself. He'd been so stupid and now she'd never forgive him. He'd lost both her friendship and her love. It was over. His fencing class with Kagami ended quickly and he was grateful for that.

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