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Sequel to 'I'll wait till forever'

(A/N: cuz I have nothing else to do with my life:))


Marichat and Adrienette fluff. Half identity reveal.
Adrien's guilt multiplies as he keeps dating her as Catnoir, he wants to tell her the truth but fears he'll lose her. And tho he is close to her as Adrien, he wishes he can be with her in real life.


"Then I guess we're both just a bunch of liars"


"Don't your arms hurt? I can walk, you know." She pouted at him and he had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I'll carry you to the ends of the earth, you know that. How else would you know how much I love you." He held her even closer as he trod through the dark starry night of Paris. She wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned in to kiss him lightly on the cheek.

"You don't need to carry me, I already know how much you love me." She smiled and traced her finger along his jawline. "Well then...it's exercising. You're light weight." She laughed and it filled the space, like a melody. A melody that Catnoir was sure he wanted to listen to forever.

After their night at her balcony, he promised to come back but not the next day. The last thing they would have wanted was for someone to find out he was seeing her.

Adrien tried. He tried his best to resist but couldn't. He needed to see her, he really really needed to see her and so he did. And so he did every other night for the past few weeks. He tried to make his visits late so they were sure not many people in Paris would be awake.

And these times he spent with her were the best of his life but he hated how he had to keep her awake most of the night and it was all because he was too scared to reveal himself to her. He wanted to, he really wanted to because anything it was hard to not kiss her when he saw eight hours straight at school.

Though they would be lovers at midnight, at school, things were awkward between them after his rejection but slowly it turned back to normal. And now they were even closer with Adrien trying his very best to be closer to her.

"You're amazing." He gushed and pulled her closer.

"It's like the tenth time you're saying that tonight." She giggled and he could only stare at her in awe. Why did he wait so long to be with her? "It's because, I mean it."

"I know." She trailed her fingers further along his chin till she slipped them into his hair. She loves those soft curls and she loved to cherish these few moments she had with him.

She always wondered how he'd react if he found out she was his lady who rejected him over and over again. So she decided not to dwell on it and enjoy the present.

"We're here." Catnoir announced as he slowly dropped her to the ground. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she looked around. They were by the Seine river. "Where is here exactly?" She cocked her head to the side, confused and he smiled.

"Well you've always wanted a boyfriend who can hold your hand and walk with you along the Seine?" Then he stretched out his hand to her.

She felt a warmth rush over her instantly. How much more perfect could he get? How could he love her so much? Did she even deserve it? She wrapped him in a hug leaving him stunned.

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