A thousand years more<°~Adrienette~°>

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Requested by my little sister

Adrienette fluff...ish. Based off season 3 finale. Song fic


"I love you."


Sound track: A thousand years by Christina Perri


It was a normal Saturday. And a normal Saturday meant band practice. Kitty section usually had their rehearsals and she always went to watch together with a few other of her classmates.

Adrien did come sometimes but he didn't always have permission. And those times when he did show up, she wished he hadn't. She sighed as she lazily slipped on her clothes.

It was always hurtful when she would see him with Kagami but she had to be there for Luka. He'd always been there for her. Despite being in a relationship with him, he still comforted her when she cried over Adrien.

What had she done to deserve such a wonderful person?

But then again it was unfair to date Luka to get over Adrien. Coming to terms with the fact that Adrien would love her was one that was almost devastating for her. But Luka was like a cure, more like a rebound.

But she'd make up her mind, she had to face Adrien and Kagami so she would accept it and let it sink so Luka could get the love he deserved.

"Why are you looking so sad?" Pollen flew up to her face.

"Yeah! Aren't you going to be with your boyfriend?" A curious Xuppu asked.

"Don't bother her, you all. You know she's still in love with Adrien." Wayzz came to her defense. She only smiled sadly and told them all to get into the Miracle Box while Tikki went into her purse.

She could do this. No, scratch that, she needed to do this.

After a quick greeting to her parents, she strode out taking as much time as she could before arriving at the houseboat.
"Don't be sad, Marinette. Life has many surprises for you, I'm certain!" Tikki peeked out and went in almost immediately before Marinette could question her statement.

As she walked through, she could see both the all too familiar town car and red car. Belonging both to Adrien and Kagami. She took a deep breath and entered the houseboat.

Contrary to her expectations, the instruments hadn't been set up. The first gaze she met was a pair of green orbs. She gulped hard as he smiled softly at her, making her feel weak to the knees.

"Finally, girl, we've been waiting for you." Alya's voice brought her down to earth and just on cue, Kagami stalked over to Adrien, hooking her arm in his. The all too familiar feeling came. Her ribcage tightening and her skin crawling. It hurt but she couldn't show that.

Rather she shouldn't.

"Well, I'm here now. Why don't we start?" She tried to sound happy but she wasn't fooling Alya or Luka. He walked up to her and held her hand in his. He kissed the insides of her wrist and her face exploded red. Her heart fluttered but it was more like a distraction.

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