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I didn't shatter and will not when it comes to my daughter I will not shatter but I will stand tall and ask them. " Yes she is my daughter, do have any problem " With one hand I pushed Lilly behind me and took a step ahead, no matter I am shaking from inside. I look directly into his eyes I saw him a little bit flinching due to my harsh tone they all looked at me shocked and amused by my action to save my girl from three great built up boys and a girl.

They didn't give a reply I looked at dad " Dad " I said to him telling him to say something he took a step towards me and said " They are just shocked honey they were not a thing a 20-year-old young girl as a mother of such well-mannered girl, sweety you trust me right " He said looking at me with hope in his eyes that he had built some trust in me.

Should I run again or trust them, they hold me together when I was alone, they took me and Lilly in when I was nothing but broken. Trust them liv. Trust them they are your parents. My heart screams at me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and said " Yes I trust you dad "
I could see a little bit of hurt in his eyes he knew what I was thinking. He always knows. " Sorry," I said he shook his head and said " Someday maybe someday " I felt so bad but this is an instinct in me to protect Lilly and I know they will protect her with their life but still.

" Yes baby that is a bad word and you should not say it again okay, by the way, I have a gift for you but were you a good girl to nana and Papi, " I asked while crouching down to her eyes level. " Gift yes, I was the good girl you can ask nana nad Papi, right I was a good girl right. " She said while giving them her famous puppy eyes that can buy her anything. They both said yes she looked towards me and I told her that she was going to trip, but she has to listen to her teacher no matter what and other rules she said yes and we said bye to her it was hard I never left her by her self only with mom and dad then alone, letting her go for a trip is making me scared. " Dad she will be safe right? " I asked I always say dad to him when I am sad that gives me relief that I can lean on him and I also started saying it more because it makes him happy and me safe so. " She will be honey I have my best men send with her okay," he said and yes we all went in.

The cafe door open and I thought Lilly came back or she doesn't want to go anymore but no " Pic your call dick heads " Carla screamed at me and Alex. We look at her then my dad she followed are eye side and said again " I am not sorry sir because you would also say that when you found out that your daughter has not just graduated in her economics major but also has topped in her college and not picking her phone " Said in her one breath. And my whole family looked at me with proud. I was shocked, I have topped, you have topped. " I have topped dad, I have topped mom, I have topped uncle Ricky. " I  said screaming and bouncing. Dad hug me and gave me a round. Mom kissed my head and said " I am so proud of you lavender and your  mother will be to " She never forget my biological mother at my happy movement and that makes her more like my mother. " You are proud and that's enough for me mom " I said I moved to uncle Ricky " You did it champion " He said to as he always say " Yes I did old man " I said like I always say. He glared at me but I huge him .

Then " Cupcakes you did it, I am so dam proud of you " Alex said while hugging me. " It is lavender to you God dammit understand before I ran out of my passions  " Rafael said while glaring at  Alex. He let go of me and I didn't say anything this time didn't want to hurt him more. So I kept quiet. " Beauty , figure and brain I must say what a blasting combination baby girl, congratulations " Landon said I blushed and look away  while muttering a small thank you to him " Landon Silva don't you dare to give those cheap line that you give those slut of your to my daughter she is worth more than those cheap line " Dad said while glaring at him.

He laugh and said " Then l will make line worth making her blush because she looks just like  _ " " Just shut up before I do something to you " Rafael said looking straight at me. I saw mom looking at me and him so moved my eyes to some were else the left two Liz and Dante dad told me there name also congratulated me and said thank you and sorry for the before I reacted they said it was all good and they understand it.

With that they all seated in a corner, " Can we have beautiful and hot server please " Landon said while giving me ear to ear smile and tilting his head to look cute. I blushed and look away from him to take my note pad and pen. I saw Rafael clenching his jaw  and some were I liked it but at the same time I don't want. I just tied my apron tightly and went towards their table. " Good morning, welcome to Martin cafe, I am your today server please tell what you all would like to have " I said with a smile. They all gave me their order and dad said " I would also like my daughter to join us so please tell " " Your daughter has already eaten due to morning medicine so, she will be doing her shift for know. I promise she will be their for dinner tho " Said and walk out to get ready there order.

Author note✍✍✍: please like and comment people. Love you all ❤❤❤😘😘 words ; 1084

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